Peelings for late forms of acne: features of use
Drugs of choice for acne tarda

Acne is the result of damage to the inflammatory and obstructive nature of the sebaceous hair follicle. Let's consider which peelings are better to use in solving the problem of late acne in patients.
It is known that in any form of acne there is a thickening of the stratum corneum; postacne phenomena, which appear quite early, are not uncommon. Therefore, the use of various types of peelings is quite relevant for acne.
Acne is the result of damage to the inflammatory and obstructive nature of the sebaceous hair follicle. These manifestations exist in both early and late forms of acne. Despite the different pathogenesis of diseases, the mechanism of formation of comedones, papulo-pustular elements in one or another form of acne is the same.
However, with late acne (acne tarda), age-related skin changes are also observed. First of all, this is excessive dryness of the skin, which has objective and subjective manifestations (the skin around the eyes and mouth is most prone to such changes, since in this area it is practically devoid of sebaceous glands). In addition, couperosis, vascular stars, various types of pigmentation disorders, etc., appear with age.
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