Classic combination: peeling and mesotherapy

Combined effect on the skin


A combination of peeling and mesotherapy is the most effective for rapid skin rejuvenation, prevention of aging, and treatment of some pathological conditions. Let's understand this method.

Yulia Zlotnytska, cosmetologist, director of the educational and methodical center of injection cosmetology and founder of Aesthetics Hall aesthetic medicine clinic (Ukraine)

Peculiarities of peeling as a component of therapy

The combined procedure "peeling + mesotherapy" is justified when performing surface peeling, when chemical damage to the epithelium does not affect the basement membrane, the inflammatory process does not involve the dermis, and re-epithelialization takes place in a short time. For this purpose, ANA acids, in particular glycolic acid, are most often used in cosmetology.

The procedure of glycol peeling is carried out according to the protocol according to the recommendations of the manufacturing company. In the period of pre-peeling preparation, it is recommended to use creams with low percentage glycolic acid, in the intervals between sessions - whitening, anti-inflammatory agents.

Mechanism of exfoliation

The epidermis is a dynamic tissue, the cells of which are in constant non-synchronous movement. In the stratum corneum, the migration of keratinocytes is also stopped by corneocytes, that is, horn cells that are rejected from the surface of the skin.

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