Chronic inflammation as one of the pathological conditions of the skin aging process

Pathogenesis of skin aging


Aging of the skin is associated with the action of a whole set of factors, both internal and external. Understanding the causes will help to develop a comprehensive approach to the prevention of skin aging.

Aging is a biologically destructive process that inevitably develops with age and leads to a limitation of the body's adaptive capabilities, the development of age-related pathology and an increase in the probability of death. According to the rate of development, premature (accelerated) and retarded (slowed) aging are distinguished.

The reasons for the development of aging can be:

  • physiological - develops as an inevitable biological process;
  • pathological - under the influence of pathogenic factors, which, along with the signs of aging, reproduce other pathological changes in the body.

Today, Harman's free radical theory and Maillard's theory of glycation are generally accepted theories of aging, but there are many opinions regarding genetically programmed aging and theories of damage accumulation.

Skin aging

Skin aging is a multifactorial pathophysiological process caused by external and internal factors.

Natural (endogenous) aging of the skin is caused by genetically determined degenerative changes accompanied by atrophic processes in the skin - thinning of the epidermis layer, appearance of fine wrinkles, lethargy of the face oval and benign formations. 

Exogenous aging of the skin, caused primarily by ultraviolet (UV) radiation (photoaging of the skin), is manifested by thickening and atrophy of the epidermis, pigment spots, dryness and yellowing of the skin, deep wrinkles, and telangiectasias.

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