Aromatherapy and hormonal balance
Methods that increase the quality of life

Menopause is a period of natural restructuring that occurs in the body of every woman at a certain time. This is a physiological process that affects the whole body in general and sometimes causes a lot of trouble. How can a woman who has risen to this level maintain her good health? Let's talk about aromatherapy, an affordable and effective way to solve problems related to menopause.
Natalia Kishchenko, biochemist, pharmacist-cosmetologist (Ukraine)
Around the age of 50, changes begin to occur in a woman's body that can interfere with her physical, mental, and social well-being. The leading role in this process is played by endocrine changes - mainly, reduced production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are very important for a woman's body.
In the middle of the 20th century, hormone replacement therapy appeared and became widespread, which allows you to smooth out the unpleasant manifestations of menopause. However, the use of this method has a number of limitations, contraindications and is not always justified. There are alternative, safer methods that can correct climacteric disorders: aromatherapy, herbalism, naturopathy, homeopathic remedies, diet, physical activity.
Modern aromatherapy is, first of all, a preventive and health-improving way of maintaining a good psycho-emotional and physical condition, a method that allows you to reduce daily stress, prevent the development of ailments and give everyday life new shades.
You can read the full article in Ukrainian
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