Menopausal metabolic syndrome (MMS): methods of correcting excess weight
Let's talk about lifestyle changes and hormone replacement therapy

Given that excess weight is the trigger for the development of menopausal metabolic syndrome, for its effective treatment, it is necessary to pay close attention to the fight against obesity. Even a moderate decrease in body weight leads to an improvement in the general condition.
At the same time, it is important to gradually and steadily reduce weight and take measures that contribute to the maintenance of the achieved result.
The most simple and convenient method for assessing insulin resistance in clinical practice is the change in fasting blood plasma insulin concentration. Hyperinsulinemia with normoglycemia, as a rule, indicates the presence of insulin resistance and is a predictor of the development of type II diabetes.
One of the generally accepted calculation indices is the НOMA index developed by D. Matthews.
The higher the НOMA index, the lower the sensitivity to insulin and, therefore, the higher the insulin resistance. The method is widely used in the clinic, but due to the high variability of the data, it is not recommended for use for the purpose of routine screening.
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