For a novice master: psychological and legal aspects in a permanent
Even failure in work is the experience and professional growth of the PM master

Acknowledge poor-quality work, redo it for free, or tell the client about his individual intolerance to the pigment and take full payment for the procedure? The eternal dilemma of the master
Permanent make-up masters change the habitual image of their clients and invade the territory of "terraincognita".
The mistake of a novice specialist is that it seems to him that by correcting an ugly form, he automatically saves his client from all his problems.
Due to this misconception, novice permanent makeup specialists take into account only the formal, stereotyped aspects of the task, simply beautifully drawing the form according to all the laws and canons of beauty, using the golden ratio of Leonardo Da Vinci. As a result, a technically perfect permanent make-up often does not satisfy the client.
In art, the artist can say that he sees it this way. But the work of a permanent master is evaluated by a specific client and, in the end, only his evaluation is decisive.
Psychological aspects
Of course, it is possible, and sometimes necessary, to correct the client's desires, but we must not forget that it is much more difficult to change oneself than the client.
Conclusion: you need to constantly analyze what you are doing, understand the psychology of clients, since this is what makes it possible to understand in which case it is possible to go on about, and in which it is generally better to correctly refuse to work.
Each specific case has its own paradigm of interaction based on specific knowledge about the interaction of two interested psychological types: you and your client.
Conclusion: learn to quickly and accurately see different types of clients, recognize especially problematic ones, but not in order to refuse them, but in order to properly interact with them and be able to protect themselves with the help of psychological and legal measures.
Honesty and objectivity
Honesty to yourself, including to clients, objectivity to your work done is an endless pendulum for a novice specialist.
Acknowledge poor-quality work, redo it for free, or tell the client about his individual intolerance to the pigment and take full payment for the procedure? Where is the line at which a specialist retains his "beautiful face"?
An unequivocal mistake is dishonesty towards the client. There is nothing more important than objective truth. This must be recognized. Since an unsuccessful job is a certain experience and your professional growth.
1. Avoid making financial decisions without agreements.
2. Avoid incorrect and erroneous amounts for the procedure.
3. If the unfavorable outcome of the procedure is obvious, it is most prudent not to charge the client.
It is much more correct to correctly explain the situation, and then try to correct it. With this option of your actions, you are more likely, despite the unsuccessful work, to form trust in you, rather than receive a negative reaction, conflict and loss of reputation.
Honesty, attentiveness, thoroughness and professionalism are the best form of prevention in dealing with our clients.
Legal aspects
The client of your salon has the right to choose: where, when, in what volume, from which specialist and at what price to receive a permanent makeup procedure. When paying for services, he automatically falls under the protection of the consumer rights union and may file claims against you.
In any case, he wants his wishes to be taken into account, that he is given full attention, that everything is agreed with him, that everything is explained to him.
A novice specialist needs to know that the client has the right to make claims not only to the quality of work, but also to the quality of service, demand compensation for harm caused to health (for example, in the formation of scars), for moral damage caused to a person, if this, in his opinion , unsatisfactory performance.
Also, the client, as a consumer of services, has the right to make claims against the personality of a permanent makeup specialist.
The client's mentality is expressed in a short but capacious formula: "I want everything for my money." At the same time, the essence of claims in case of poor performance does not change and usually does not depend on how much money is paid for the procedure. Recently, the number of claims and even lawsuits has increased in the cosmetology industry, and in permanent makeup in particular.
How to find a way out of a contradictory situation when psychological, medical and financial interests collide?
The best way to avoid this is to practice conscientiously. A novice specialist needs to keep records that reflect the dynamics of ongoing actions. They must be detailed. This guarantees some protection. As the saying goes, if it's not fixed, it's not done.
The main mistakes that can lead to difficulties and conflict situations (not to mention more unpleasant consequences):
1. Not having to keep records of your actions.
2. Negligence in record keeping.
There must be an informative consent, in which it is recorded that your client agrees with the drawn form and is familiar with the possible complications in this procedure.
A well-organized practice indicates that you hold yourself to high standards in your work. The following are some situations that may give rise to malpractice claims:
1. Serious injury or any damage
2. Incorrect medical treatment, for example, uncontrolled hypertension due to inadequate pain relief during the procedure.
3. Aggressive or ineffective professional-client relationships
4. Public criticism of the competence of other specialists
5. Pre-negotiated payment procedures
Remember that ignorance of something is also no excuse.
SEN errors
You must understand that the workplace is an indicator of your status as a specialist. In addition to the status, these are sanitary and epidemiological standards and requirements for the permanent makeup procedure and the room in which it is carried out.
Despite the fact that at the moment the situation with the permanent makeup procedure in the legislative framework is not completely defined, it must be remembered that this does not remove responsibility for our actions.
The time of reusable tools practically disappears. At the moment, almost all modern devices have disposable sterile modules, the main and indisputable advantage of which is a complete system for the safety of the permanent makeup procedure.
But we must not forget that even disposable modules do not save from cross-infection. Therefore, it is necessary to impeccably fulfill the requirements for the maintenance of the premises, equipment and all work accessories, including personal hygiene.
It is quite difficult for a specialist without a medical education to navigate all the requirements, so here is a simple advice, print out the requirements, instructions for yourself and keep them next to you, and most importantly, do everything to the smallest detail until it becomes a professional habit, without which you simply cannot work.
The procedure of permanent makeup is a painful procedure, of course, requiring the use of anesthesia. At the moment, a fairly large number of anesthetics are used on the market, which make life easier for permanent makeup masters and their patients. Once again, we want to repeat that ignorance is no excuse. As a rule, rarely anyone has the right to do infiltration anesthesia. Inadequate anesthesia, non-compliance with the method of application, the wrong choice of painkillers - all this can turn into a consequence at the cost of human life.
The main mistakes include:
1. Irresponsible illiterate use of various anesthetics in principle
2. The erroneous opinion that application anesthesia does not give complications
3. In general ignorance and misunderstanding of the ongoing processes, when using anesthetics, especially with the use of vasoconstrictors.
To protect yourself from legal claims and ensure comfort during the procedure, the novice specialist must remember that hypoallergenic anesthetics do not exist.
And since in case of complications, actions should be immediate and clear, there should be a laying to provide first aid immediately for all variants of complications with a prescribed algorithm of actions.
Be sure to ask at least three questions before the procedure:
1. Have you used anesthesia before?
2. Were there any complications with the use of local anesthesia
3. Whether there were allergic reactions to local anesthetics
…and other medical aspects
It is easy for medical specialists to navigate all the medical aspects of permanent makeup.
It is much more difficult for specialists who are not related to medicine before.
Their main mistakes are:
1. errors in the collection of anamnesis
2. errors in assessing the presence or absence of diseases that are a contraindication (absolute or relative) to the implementation of permanent makeup.
3. errors in the decision-making mechanism on the possibility of its implementation.
It is necessary to thoroughly understand the structure of the skin, the reaction of the immune system to the introduction of various dyes, to understand the general biological laws of healing, to know the groups of contraindications and many other aspects. This is just a basic minimum, which will not give the opportunity to answer all the questions that constantly appear.
Therefore, if possible, it is necessary to consult with dermatologists-cosmetologists or simply involve these specialists who can help you answer all the current questions that arise during all stages of the permanent makeup procedure.
The pursuit of excellence
The mistake of this order is that having acquired a certain level, there comes a certain confidence that you are already a wonderful, accomplished specialist and there is no need to study further.
Such a mistake is fraught with the fact that, firstly, a case will surely come that shows the deceitfulness of your belief, and, secondly, this is simply the beginning of the end of your professional career.
Such self-confidence is highly misplaced. It is never too late to study, it is not a shame, at any level, because there is no limit to perfection.
This is the moment when you just need to re-read the article, repeat the theory, watch the video.
This is such a reflexive - evaluative stage, which is some generalizing moment for the next round of the process of your creative development.
And the conclusions drawn and the assessment of the results achieved will make it possible to make adjustments to further professional activities, see new opportunities for self-realization and achieve qualitatively new results at an even higher professional level.
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