5 mistakes of a beginner tattoo artist
Note to permanent makeup masters

Mistakes in the profession is a very important and relevant topic. Even masters make mistakes, it's just that mistakes change over time. What should beginners pay attention to before they start mastering a new activity?
We all make mistakes. The difference is only in the consequences. Mistakes in the profession is a very important and relevant topic. Even masters make mistakes, it's just that mistakes change over time. What should beginners pay attention to before they start mastering a new activity?
In this article, we want to give beginners the opportunity to pay attention to the most common mistakes and analyze them in more detail. But! These are not just mistakes of novice masters, such mistakes can be made by both a beginner and masters of permanent makeup. The only difference is that the sequence of their significance changes over time.
In the development of any master, even after success has been achieved, recessions can occur, professional burnout can occur, or simply “blunders” appear, despite sufficient experience. So it is useful for everyone to read such articles periodically. And we will start with the very basics.
Mistake #1 - choosing the wrong school
The initial idea of what you will be doing will play a fundamental role in what kind of master you will become. A permanent makeup teacher is like the first teacher at school, a lot depends on him, and maybe the whole future professional life.
Often, it is he who sets the level of the future novice specialist, as he lays the right positive motivation for achievements.
Mistake number 2 - negligent attitude to the creation of a sketch
Drawing the shape of the future makeup is one of the difficulties of the initial stage of practice. You must have a sense of proportion (or develop it in yourself in the process of practice), artistic vision, measure. It is very important to be able to "see" the face as a whole and to know the standard proportions. Often a fatal mistake is caused either by the self-doubt of the master, or by a superficial attitude to the importance of sketch work .
Mistake number 3 - choosing the wrong shade
Errors in color selection lead to frequent corrections or removal of pigments from the skin. Here you will be greatly helped out by knowledge of the theory and behavior of color. Remember, “color hitting” depends not only on what basic course you completed, but also on your personal instinct and attentiveness. The ratio of pigment and skin type plays an important role. It simply requires deep knowledge in the field of color, as well as dermatology and histology.
Mistake #4 - sanitation issues
The workplace of the master is not only an indicator of your status, but also of your responsibility. Let the equipment be not very much, but even disposable needles can be infected. It is your responsibility to ensure the complete and absolute safety of the procedure. Follow the rules for the maintenance of the office, equipment and your own appearance.
Mistake No. 5 - low level of medical knowledge
Not all permanent makeup specialists have a medical background. If you do not even have an initial understanding of medicine in the field of PM, this means that your responsibility only doubles.
Irreparable mistakes are made, first of all, when collecting an anamnesis, when the masters, due to inexperience or due to negligence, pay insufficient attention to contraindications . You must know all about the contraindications to the procedure and clearly state them to the client. By the time you start self-practice, you must study the properties and structure of the skin, the nuances of the healing process, the immune response to the applied pigment, etc. All of the above is just a minimum of what needs to be taken seriously.
Do not neglect the advice of dermatologists and cosmetologists. Ideally, you should have a proven doctor with whom you can create a professional "tandem", and in each difficult or controversial case, send clients to him for a preliminary consultation.
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