Features of make-up in permanent make-up
What determines the result of the work of a permanent makeup master

Issues related to the peculiarities of make-up in permanent make-up are of concern not only to micropigmentation specialists, but also to their clients. Let's consider in the article the most important aspects, without which a high-quality and comfortable result is impossible to wear.
Gone are the days when women applied makeup according to the fashion of that period, without going into the subtleties of color, shape, style. With this approach, faces became similar to each other and, often, such makeup did not decorate, but only emphasized certain flaws on the face. In addition, quite recently it was very difficult to get good cosmetics. And such professions as a makeup artist or stylist did not exist in principle.
Now the market is overflowing with offers, and the selection of an individual style comes first. The appearance of a person is only harmonious when the make-up is selected depending on the color type and the image as a whole.
The most basic thing about permanent makeup is the realization that it is not a complete replacement for regular makeup. He has a narrower task in view of the specificity of the procedure - pigment implantation under the skin, and this process must be treated very responsibly due to its complex reversibility. The purpose of permanent makeup, first of all, is to correct facial features and give them additional expressiveness, freshness, and harmony. Let's talk about the features of makeup in permanent makeup.
Form and influence of fashion
In permanent makeup, you should stick to natural lines and volumes. These are the lines that create harmony on the face without annoying or annoying over time. Since the pigment is located under the skin, excessive oversteps beyond the natural boundaries of the lines will in any case become noticeable when light and shadow play. This is especially true for the lips. Many clients mistakenly believe that permanent makeup can increase their volume, and the task of the master is to convey to them that permanent makeup can even out the shape, correct slight asymmetry, and saturate them with color.
In permanent eyebrow makeup, it is also better to stick to the “golden mean”. Eyebrows are too thin or wide, short or long, clearly defined (especially in the heads) - they will not decorate your client. The priority in the work of the master of PM should remain the preservation of the harmony of the face, and not the catchiness of the eyebrows. After all, you want to look at a face balanced by lines, and if the eyebrow line is knocked out of the general “picture”, then the eye will cling to this discrepancy.
It is important to remember that permanent makeup does not always completely disappear from the skin during wear. Or a long period of time must pass for the remains of the pigment to become barely noticeable. Therefore, it is very important to carefully consider the choice of color and shape, carefully considering natural features.
“Less is better!” - this rule is best applied to permanent makeup.
The master should not make very large arrows or colored shading, this is especially fraught with consequences if the skin of a motionless eyelid is prone to overhanging. Tastes are constantly changing. What used to be creative becomes obsolete very quickly. Ask your client if she is ready to wear overly decorative and not always appropriate makeup on her face for several years.
Makeup artists know that wrinkles become more noticeable on the face if voluminous shading is done on the eyelids. The colors of the pigment and the shadow of the wrinkles reinforce each other, adding age to the client. Permanent make-up masters should also remember that the usual classic or soft arrow, or just filling the space between the eyelashes is much more appropriate in such cases.
Color and saturation
The brightness of permanent makeup cannot be chosen for all occasions. Everyone understands that eyebrows cannot be equally bright with everyday makeup and for make-up "out". This is a different level of contrast of all facial features. Moreover, the master must take into account the level of contrast, originally laid down by nature, so as not to disturb the natural harmony of the face and not turn it into a nesting doll.
In permanent makeup, it is necessary to give preference to the level of contrast that is suitable for the washed face. Otherwise, the face and the permanent on it will look separate from each other, inharmoniously.
Makeup artists are great at seeing women who dye their hair several tones darker than their natural color type. Their appearance looks somewhat artificial, and pale skin and piebald hair roots leave the impression of sickness. Too bright eyebrows on a non-contrasting face, pressing down on the eyes, will look exactly the same.
Also, experts do not recommend placing equally strong accents on all areas of the face - this will create the effect of simplicity and smudging.
Individual characteristics and quality of the skin
The skin through which the pigment shines through has its own density, thickness, color and, as a result, it is not absolutely transparent. Therefore, during healing, the saturation and juiciness of the pigment are somewhat lost.
Those shades that seem suitable in decorative cosmetics, healing under the skin, may not look so pronounced. This is especially true for lip shades.
If the skin on the lips by nature has a pleasant gloss, then the healed PM will appear with a slight pearly overflow. If the skin of the lips is dry, then the PM will look matte.
Sometimes, in order to get rich colors, like a bright pencil, it is necessary to take bright open shades of pigments, which, when healed, will be moderately muffled by the skin layer. But such a choice in the future when updating can become an obstacle, because many bright shades are very difficult to remove with a laser if it becomes necessary to change the existing remnants of the form (for example, due to a change in the natural lines of the face in case of age-related ptosis).
Therefore, you should not chase after high brightness and color density, so that after a while you can easily update your work or remove residues.
It is technically impossible to change, smooth out the structure of the skin, its luster or texture with the help of permanent makeup. For example, if there are a lot of hairs in the eyebrows and the skin at the same time has a glossy sheen, then the healed skin in this area will also shine, despite the fact that pigment lies under it.
Age of clients
With age, facial features lose contrast and color, so mature ladies are moderately rejuvenated by decorative makeup, while young clients should not chase decorativeness, which can make them rougher, muffling the natural fresh colors on their faces. In addition, mature clients usually already adhere to the chosen style, young women experiment a lot, so permanent makeup should not limit them to one style.
Instead of output
Bright, bold experiments with appearance are best left to makeup artists and decorative cosmetics. Permanent makeup should still be universal, i.e. remain the base for regular makeup for different occasions and for different clothes and styles. Do not forget that the face is the calling card of your client and, accordingly, yours (as a master). You must leave the client the opportunity to be different, but always well-groomed - after all, this is the main task of the permanent makeup procedure.
Read also
- Anti-aging makeup: the secrets of permanent makeup masters
- Permanent eyebrow makeup: a make-up artist's service?
- Facial structure: make-up in permanent make-up
- How to choose the perfect eyebrow shape: expert advice
- Makeup Artist's Eye: Linear Rhythm in Permanent Makeup
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- Visage in permanent make-up: “reading” the face of the client