Facial structure: make-up in permanent make-up
Laws of makeup and permanent makeup

The fundamental feature of makeup in tattooing is the implementation of makeup on certain parts of the face for a long time, which will inevitably change the expression of the face as a whole and affect the perception of the face by others.
The principal feature of makeup in tattooing is the implementation of makeup on certain parts of the face for a long time. The part of the face highlighted with the help of tattooing will inevitably change the expression of the face as a whole and will affect the perception of the face by others. We analyze the structure of the face and the laws of make-up in our permanent section "The ABCs of the novice master"
B - Make-up artist in permanent make-up
It is important to make a clear distinction between micropigmentation make-up and regular make-up. In micropigmentation, it must be borne in mind that the shape, color, brightness of the result should look harmonious on the face throughout the entire period of permanent makeup. That is, the selected pattern should be suitable for any time of day and any situation at work and in the personal life of the client, and also take into account certain factors that will change over time, for example, loss of facial skin elasticity and the appearance of facial wrinkles.
It is also necessary that the client likes the drawing and when creating it, the features of his character, tastes and needs are taken into account. To this end, one should strive to harmonize facial features by correcting asymmetries and hiding imperfections, but one should not make too drastic changes. The task of the micropigmentation master is to preserve naturalness as much as possible.
The structure of the face
The scientific discipline that studies the shape and structure of living organisms is called morphology. Therefore, they often talk about facial morphology. The shape of the face and its features depend on the following factors that determine morphological features:
- ethnic background
- Skin and muscle structure
- Heredity
- Age
- Psychological aspects
- Lifestyle
- Weight gain or loss
There is a wide variety of faces with different shapes, more or less oval, elongated, wide, etc. The details of the face, eyes or mouth, can also have a different shape and structure.
Before the micropigmentation procedure, it is necessary to analyze the shape, lines and volumes of the face in order to know which details are best hidden and which ones are emphasized in order to make the whole face look more harmonious.
The structure of the face depending on ethnic origin
Although such a classification cannot be used as a general rule, since every person is different from everyone else, each ethnic group has its own characteristic facial features.
Eastern group :
- The shape of the face is more round or triangular
- Short and wide nose
- Small, narrow and dark eyes, in most cases with a hidden moving eyelid
- Black hair
- Skin tone depends on nationality
Western group :
- There are very different types both in the oval of the face and in its details: forehead, eyes, nose, lips ...
Black group :
- Bulging forehead
- Large round eyes with open lids
- Large full lips
Bone and muscle structure
Before starting any micropigmentation procedure, you need to study well all the elements that determine the harmony and beauty of the face. The first step in such a study is to analyze the oval of the face, and its shape is influenced by a number of factors, due to which the outlines of the face can change over time.
Bone structure
The bone structure is the frame of the face, inside which the organs of vision, hearing, taste and smell are protected. It provides fastening and mobility of the jaws and to a large extent determines their shape. Over time, the bone structure undergoes slight changes, especially in the area of the jaw bones.
The facial features of a person not only speak of what he is now, but also reflect his past. In contrast to dense matter (bones), the muscles of the face express our emotions and visibly influence the expression and shape of the face. In addition, age-related changes are reflected on them faster.
Three muscle groups should be distinguished:
- Subcutaneous facial muscles responsible for facial expression
- Circular muscles of the eye and mouth that provide their movement
- Chewing and temporal muscles that allow the jaws to move
Only circular and subcutaneous muscles affect facial expression
Read also:
Other Factors Related to Face Shape
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