Conflict situations: how a permanent makeup artist can protect himself
What determines the result of the work of a permanent makeup master

For those who understand the complexity of implementing the very idea of pigment distribution in the skin of the face, it becomes obvious that permanent makeup is one of the most potentially conflicting cosmetic services.
Problems associated with an excess or lack of information, as well as a distortion of meaning, give rise to quarrels that can turn into conflict situations, especially in the service sector.
For those who understand how the permanent makeup procedure is performed, as well as the complexity of implementing the very idea of pigment distribution in the skin of the face, it becomes obvious that permanent makeup is one of the most potentially conflicting cosmetic services.
A conflict is a situation in which each side seeks to take a position that is incompatible and opposite to the interests of the other side. A contradiction that has arisen between two or more people who are trying to resolve them with varying degrees of emotionality.
Any conflict has a solution, you just need to find it in time. After all, none of the conflicting parties is interested in it. The client needs a satisfying result, the master needs a satisfied and grateful client.
Nevertheless, as practice shows, the number of customers dissatisfied with the quality of permanent makeup is growing so fast that at present, permanent makeup removal technologies are in demand no less than permanent makeup itself. The conflict can manifest itself openly, in the form of a dispute and showdown, or covertly, without verbal and physical manifestations.
The problem is obvious. What is the way to solve it? And are there any solutions at all?
Possible consequences
Let's start with what undoubtedly takes place during the execution of the procedure, but at the same time is often the cause of the conflict - these are the consequences. They can be divided into:
- inevitable accompanying the procedure,
- arising from the lack of proper knowledge or carelessness of a specialist.
The first group includes the following.
Painful sensations . Most often, pain occurs due to a very low pain threshold. This condition may be temporary or permanent. That is, the threshold of pain sensitivity may decrease due to fear, nervous tension, or, for example, in women during ovulation, menstruation, or on the eve of its occurrence. Sometimes the pain threshold is always low - this is due to the structural features of the skin or after stress.
Edema. Rather, it is a natural phenomenon associated with the reaction of the skin to microtrauma, which is inevitable when performing a permanent makeup procedure.
The formation of "crusts". Sometimes the consequence of permanent makeup can be tightness of the skin, darkening and the formation of "crusts". It should be said right away that this is a completely normal reaction, since in any case the skin receives microtrauma. Approximately, within 2–5 days, the crusts will peel off, then signs of secondary fine-lamellar peeling may be observed. The final result of permanent makeup will appear within a month after the procedure. Full fixation and stabilization of color can occur up to three months after its implementation.
Hematoma. It is also possible after the permanent make-up procedure. This is a classic side effect. It is very rare, even with the correct procedure. The causes of hematomas can be individual characteristics or the use of drugs containing, for example, adrenaline or epinephrine, which block capillary bleeding, which traps blood under the skin. If a hematoma appears on the mucous membrane of the lips, then most likely it will pass within one to two days. On the skin, hematomas linger for up to three to four days. But in any case, do not be afraid of superficial hematomas - they do not affect the final result. With the correct technique of pigmentation of the eyelids, the appearance of hematomas is a rather rare occurrence.
There are a number of additional signs that can happen after permanent makeup has healed. These include the following:
- poor color retention;
- enhancing the color of natural pigmentation in the area of pigmentation - for example, freckles or postpartum spots;
- uneven color distribution.
There are explanations for everything, which should be announced by the master at the preliminary consultation and before the procedure. Information regarding the permanent make-up procedure must be complete.
The second group of reasons includes the legal aspects of the procedure, due to non-compliance with which controversial issues can develop into a conflict situation. With a well-conducted consultation by the master, a warning about all the inevitable undesirable consequences, the manifestation of such phenomena during and after the procedure is unlikely to cause the client to want to go into conflict or simply be dissatisfied. However, no matter how friendly a new client is and no matter how friendly you are with regular clients, the information agreement for the procedure must be filled out properly without fail. It is necessary to enter any additional information into the document by entering it by hand.
Precautionary measures
What else needs to be done to minimize the chances of conflict situations with the client? An integral part of the procedure is legally thought-out documentation of the service with mandatory photo support before the procedure, after it and, of course, the final result. In the photo taken on the right, left and full face, there should be a close-up of the entire face and the area on which permanent makeup will be applied. Photos of works will also serve as advertising for the master.
The reason for the start of the conflict can be both objective and subjective - that is, the result of the work has nothing to do with and is only the motives of the "injured" side.
Of course, the responsibility for the work is assumed by the direct executor - a master with the necessary abilities and knowledge, professionally trained, with a properly prepared workplace. A specialist should strive for continuous development, including informational one.
Remember that practice makes adjustments to theory. Every day we receive updated data on contraindications, cases of healing, on the use of certain dyes, as well as on the occurrence of conflict situations.
Competent protection
Recently, a very unpleasant and progressive trend has been observed: after the provision of a permanent make-up service, questions arise caused by dissatisfaction on the part of the client, with the ensuing demand for the return of money paid for the service itself, plus compensation payments. The motivation of discontent in this case is not important - this is a classic case of blackmail and extortion.
What to do in such a situation? First of all, don't panic. Unfortunately, our mentality, legal insecurity and the desire to simply get away from problems lead in most cases to the satisfaction of the financial claims of unscrupulous clients. First, dissatisfaction with the work on the eyebrows - the master pays the required money, and after two weeks ... and the lips have an unsatisfactory result. And how do you think the second incident will end? Same! Needless to say, the number of such cases will grow exponentially until the experts themselves find a way out of the situation and an effective antidote to such a phenomenon.
First and foremost, don't give in to blackmail. Eliminate this possibility as much as possible at the very beginning, as mentioned above, when the client signs a legal document and competently draws up the latter.
Second, make it a rule to photograph your work without fail, indicating in the same document this action as necessary and an integral part of the procedure.
In conclusion, I would like to note that no specialist is immune from mistakes. Only lying down does not fall. The ability to correct a mistake in time is the hallmark of a true professional and the best way to prevent conflicts.
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