5 mistakes of a beginner permanent makeup artist
Life hacks for masters of all levels

Mistakes in the profession - this topic is much more interesting than just material for a novice specialist. Masters also make mistakes, it's just that mistakes change over time
The presented article allows beginners to focus on the errors and analyze them in more detail. But! These are not just mistakes of novice masters, these are the mistakes of all specialists, both beginners and permanent makeup masters. Only with the passage of time does the sequence of their significance change.
Sometimes, even after the success achieved, there are recessions, regression, professional burnout, well, or just “blunders”, despite the existing experience. So it is useful for everyone to read such articles periodically. And we'll start from the very basics.
School and education
A permanent makeup teacher is like the first teacher in a school, a lot depends on him, and maybe the whole future professional life.
Often, it is he who sets the level of the future novice specialist, as he lays the right positive motivation for achievements.
What could be more important than a proper introduction to the profession? It is primary education that makes it possible not to make so many mistakes that follow further down the list, namely, basic knowledge, hand placement, love for one's profession, etc.
The choice of a school/studio/specific master initially forms a conscious, meaningful attitude towards the upcoming mastery of new knowledge. Learning without much desire leads to a variety of mistakes, ranging from the technique of setting the hand to understanding the responsibility for each millimeter drawn.
A novice master can follow a tortuous, empirical path, the path of his own trial and error, a change of teacher, etc. This may lead to the fact that in our industry there will be another specialist who has no idea about the aesthetics of the permanent in principle, and, at best, he will do mediocre work.
The right choice of training courses will make the start and professional development immediately fast and strong. That is why experts call the choice of school the cornerstone in mastering a new profession, the foundation that determines the successful start of a potential specialist's career. Choosing the wrong school is a mistake.
Target error
What is at the head of the priorities of the activity of a novice permanent master? The opportunity to earn money or the process itself is creative, spiritual, bringing joy from the results obtained, from the words of gratitude of customers.
It's no secret that permanent makeup is an expensive procedure. And this is sometimes associated with one of the main mistakes of novice specialists in their true reason for appearing in our complex profession.
If a novice specialist admires the work of professionals, he “burns” with the process, he has a desire to make the world a better place - a real professional will grow out of him in the future.
If the financial issue is at the head of priorities and it all comes down to making money, there will be no full-fledged development in the profession.
With such an erroneous attitude, even a potentially good specialist, due to the small variety of procedures in our industry, rolls down and burns out quite quickly.
It is a fact. It is impossible to come into our profession with the aim of making money only. This is an extremely important aspect, on which all further professional activity directly depends.
Lack of experience
Experience in our multifaceted profession is the unity of knowledge of several disciplines: medicine, coloring, colorimetry, visage, psychology and our own skills, impressions, observations acquired already in the process of work. In general, this is the professional vision.
With an individual approach to the procedure, any permanent makeup specialist must have knowledge in the field of all the above disciplines, including ethics. And this means that he is much more likely to make a mistake than specialists whose actions are clearly indicated by criteria, standards, regulations. It is experience that gives inner confidence in work and a general understanding that you are a specialist in a rather complex profession. The more experience, the more you understand this and the more reverently you begin to relate to your specialty.
Everything is simple here. Beginning specialists either lack experience or lack it.
Equipment selection error
What device to buy? Of course, everything is individual. For beginners, it is quite difficult to immediately understand this. In part, the purchase of the device is connected with the school for training.
At the beginning of a career, masters most often go in two ways:
1. Buying cheap equipment, and then switching to a more professional one. This does not always happen, often the specialist remains at this level.
2. Smart choice and purchase of professional equipment. Naturally, learning from the good is always faster and easier. There are a lot of mistakes in the work of a novice specialist, it even depends on the area of work.
The main hardware-related errors boil down to four:
1. Lack of a full-fledged skill to feel the depth of immersion of the needle in the skin.
Excessive desire to “drive in” the pigment, rigidity in work leads to increased trauma and, as a result, poor healing, up to the formation of scar tissue. The fear of “breaking” the skin and the inability to apply pigment is the least of the supposed troubles for a novice specialist.
2. Paint errors.
This includes mistakes from the inability to simply fully draw a straight line to the ability not to go beyond it.
3. Errors in the techniques of working with modular systems with needles of various configurations. It is necessary to know the features of each needle, each module, and, of course, learn to work with them.
4. Mistakes of various permanent makeup techniques.
It is not necessary to try to make hairs with interlacing and shading without formed skills. To begin with, you just need to learn how to fully paint over the space, and only then complicate everything. As they say, you need to move systematically, only from simple to complex.
Of course, avoiding technical errors is possible only on high-precision modern devices with disposable modular systems. Unfortunately, some masters are still working on completely primitive devices. It is modern devices that make it possible to realize potential opportunities, reduce time and energy costs for both you and your customers.
In our opinion, working on low-quality equipment is the most important mistake that leads to regression. This is disrespectful to yourself and to your potential client.
Permanent makeup is easy
Unfortunately, there is a percentage of trained specialists who broke down “on the first rake”. Basically, these are doctors - dermatologists who decide to expand the number of procedures in their professional activities. If for specialists without medical education permanent makeup is the only field of activity, then for cosmetologists-dermatologists this is just one of the procedures.
The combination of several types of activity, the lack of regularity in the comprehension of the profession leads to the fact that the skill does not undergo quantitative changes. The quality of work does not improve, and the specialist begins to experience self-doubt. Six months is usually enough to understand that it is probably easier to inject mesotherapy.
First, in training, a relatively quick (according to the student's feelings) mastery of the apparatus under the guidance of a teacher takes place. This is typical for training training on latex. But when working independently with patients, novice specialists face a large number of problematic situations and, as a result, make mistakes. The most common is the inability to fully put the pigment and get into the color. There can be only one way out - simple work and poor development as a specialist.
It must be accepted as an axiom that permanent makeup is not easy. A novice specialist, as he works, realizes this and often begins to panic. The first unsuccessful work sometimes leads to a loss of optimism. But you need to understand that this is a normal situation, because the skill in work is formed not only gradually, but also unevenly.
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