Types of beauty salon clients: how to work with them?
And what to be prepared for

There are five types of beauty salon clients who can be recognized by their external features. The manicurist is faced with the task of predicting their priorities, and to predict means to exceed all expectations.
Type 1. Princes and princesses
These are girls and men who prefer, in majority or in combination, all shades of pink, beige, floral prints, and insect themes. Girls almost always have long hair, men often have long haircuts. Hair is often light shades, with a slight wave. Jewelry and accessories are round in shape (bows, flowers, long earrings).
Representatives of this type prefer regularity. Such clients will be regulars in a beautiful business, as they require constant personal care. They do not always look at the composition/quality of service delivery. The choice is guided by emotions. This type makes contact easily, but it is not always possible to please such clients. For example, you may not have a certain shade of purple among varnish coatings in your arsenal. Or the bangs are cut one millimeter shorter.
When working with representatives of this type, you always need to clarify all the nuances, without giving much choice: “We have three shades, which one do you choose?”, “I will make the cut of the bangs a little longer, and then we will trim it to the desired one.” Representatives of this type of clients live in Europe, but most of them are in Ukraine. They belong to generations X and, to a lesser extent, to generation Y.
Type 2. Children of nature
The main principle of these people is comfort. They will never be able to shackle themselves into a tight dress or a formal suit. Bright colors are not for them. Harmony with nature, shades of gray, brown, green and beige will complement their inner world.
Much attention is paid to quality, composition, functionality, and practicality. These people will tell you about the problem right away. Often standard procedures are followed. Manicure with a transparent coating. A familiar haircut and virtually no makeup. More attention is paid to health status. They don't like experiments!
They make contact if you convey information clearly on a topic that interests them. They listen to advice if the master gives arguments and points out practicality. “If you don’t want a coating in your manicure, I suggest applying the IBX system, since it is not visible on the nails. It does not require removal, but it fantastically strengthens the nail plate.” They get used to one master and do not expose themselves to unknown tests. Clients of this type are the population of France, Germany, and are less common in Ukraine and Russia. Belong to generations X and slightly less than Y. Part of generation Z is covered.
Type 3. Stars
Exclusivity is what matters. Famous brands, limited collections - it is important for them to have something that only a narrow circle of people can purchase. Often such people are able to spend an amount beyond their budget on a service for the sake of that very exclusivity. People are shocking, they are not afraid of looks, they like to attract outside attention. They wear the brightest and most provocative clothes. They love rich colors. Such clients often consider themselves experts in everything. They cannot be advised, present services/products for a long time, or talk about fashion trends. Their position: I myself know what I need, I am an expert!
It is necessary to communicate with representatives of type 3 using facts, figures and compliments: “This procedure is done only here,” “We have reserved this fashionable color exclusively for you.”
These are frequent and regular customers in the beautiful business, just like princes and princesses. Regular care and stunning looks. It is very difficult to contact them for the first time, so it is better to start the conversation with the right questions, then clarify: “Did I understand you correctly, are we doing...?” Only if the answer is positive can you begin the procedure. The choice will be who will support the wave of exclusivity. Only through your own comprehensive continuous development can you get into the group of such people and win the trust of this type of client. They belong to generations X and Y. Due to long-term restrictions in their self-expression, they are widespread almost only in Ukraine and Russia.
Type 4. Conservatives
Representatives of this type have a neutral attitude towards fashion. Quite confident people. According to the budget, choose the highest quality. The wardrobe matches the color scheme. Makeup is always discreet. Haircut or hairstyle, hair color is monotonous. It's better not to experiment here. Changes can only be encouraged gradually, step by step. The color of the coating in manicure varies from three tones - neutral, red, shades of dark.
Conservatives are true connoisseurs of professionalism. When choosing, pay attention to the highest quality and speed. They value their time very much and respect the time of others, so they are rarely late. If you are late, rest assured that they have done everything possible to avoid this. The indignant face of the master can greatly influence further visits to the salon. They don't like talking about anything. They will listen to reasoned advice and suggestions. Before you suggest something, talk about functionality: “You have very dry skin on your hands. Since there’s an important event coming up today, I suggest doing a moisturizing procedure.”
Such a client gets used to the master for a long time, as if testing him. But if you get used to it, it’s almost forever. Representatives of this segment are found in each of the generations (X and Y, less than Z). Distributed in almost every nation to a greater or lesser extent. Business people – this is exactly what they are about!
Type 5. Permanent teenager
Often this type can be judged by their physique. The title says it all. Fragile build, short stature, usually a rectangular figure, short hair. They prefer natural manicures; for important events they go for bright coatings or designs. They prefer a semi-sports or classic style of clothing with bright accessories (for example, orange glasses). In the salon, a teenager is a rare and endangered guest, since the entire business is built for representatives of types 1 and 3. This makes teenagers uncomfortable. In their behavior and preferences they are similar to conservatives.
They choose the highest quality available to their budget, and also value professionalism. Pay attention to the naturalness of the composition. You can experiment with clients of this type, but only if they already trust you. They will be happy to listen to all the delights of the procedures and any presentation. It's very easy to communicate with them. Contact is established quickly, because they are not as strict and cold as conservatives. Representatives of this type always emphasize their diminutiveness: “I’m not a two-meter model who can wear waist-length curls.” Negativity is expressed through exaggeration, but the fact that they clearly understand what they want is considered a big plus. Such clients are found in European countries (England, France), but the largest number live in Asian countries. According to the trend, this is the rising generation Z.
It is precisely representatives of generation Z that we should target our beauty business in the next 10-15 years. This is a prototype of the future! In everyday life there is not much time left for reflection. It's time to act! Our task is to understand:
- What do people of the future want to see?
- How to attract them?
- What are they interested in in the beauty industry?
Experts: Darina Vetrova, Tatyana Bayushkina
You can read the first part of the material about the service in the beauty salon here .
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