Makeup for acne: main rules and features
A word to the makeup artist

To hide redness and inflammation on the face, you can’t do without cosmetics. What rules should a makeup artist follow when doing makeup for acne, says our regular expert Evgenia Elisova.
Many girls have a question: “Is it possible to wear makeup if you have acne?” In this case, cosmetologists recommend not to be overzealous with make-up, especially during an exacerbation period. But if a girl has an important event at which she wants to look 100%, she cannot do without the help of decorative cosmetics and a competent makeup artist.
Before you start creating makeup, make sure that the girl’s skin is thoroughly cleansed. Use micellar water and a sponge and gently move over your entire face so as not to damage inflamed areas of the skin. How to do makeup if the client’s skin has pimples and blackheads - we’ll figure it out further with makeup artist Evgenia Elisova .
Evgenia Elisova , professional makeup artist & stylist, works with such stars as Jamala, Laura Marti, Yasya Minochkina, Yulia Magdych, Mira, Maria Yastremskaya
What ingredients in cosmetics should you avoid when creating makeup for acne?
Some ingredients increase irritation of the skin, which is already especially sensitive due to acne. Therefore, the composition of decorative cosmetics in this case should not contain disethicone, silicone and talc.
How to disguise imperfections?
In case of inflammation, mask individual areas of the skin - the reddest in color. In this case, it is important to choose a concealer product that exactly matches the client’s skin tone.
When applying makeup for acne, choose foundations with a light texture, but at the same time well pigmented. I recommend using a water-based BB cream, cushion or tone. It is important to avoid heavy foundations with a mattifying effect, as they will only highlight the uneven texture of the skin.
After this, apply mineral powder to the client’s skin: it is suitable for those with both dry and oily skin. Use a soft synthetic kabuki brush for perfect coverage.
How to do face makeup for acne step by step?
Before applying makeup, it is important to prepare the skin, so apply a light moisturizer to your face. Is primer necessary for acne? For particularly red areas, use a light menthol-colored base, but not a rich green color. It will help neutralize redness, which indicates inflammation.
After this, we apply a pigmented foundation, which will help hide the redness and even out the skin tone. If the cheek area is severely affected, we do not use contouring.
Give preference to liquid highlighter - it will look as natural as possible on the skin. Apply it to the top of your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose - this will help your face look less flat without contouring.
What are the best tools to use for acne?
To apply the toner to the entire face, use soft synthetic brushes - avoid hard tools to avoid irritation.
I recommend using a makeup sponge on particularly problematic areas - where you want to layer the product. Layer the product using gentle tamping movements to avoid damaging the previous layer of toner.
To mattify the T-zone, use shine-reducing wipes.
How and with what to disinfect brushes and sponges?
Brushes and sponges are washed after each client using water and a special detergent. After this, dry the instruments well with a paper towel and spray bacillol on them. Then let them dry naturally.
Clean and dry tools are the key to the safety of your customers.
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