Typical kinks in acne treatment
Therapy options
Acne vulgaris – acne vulgaris – is one of the most common diagnoses, the name of a skin disease that any layman can recognize and from which about 80% of the population suffers (or suffered) to one degree or another. And yet, this does not add clarity – rather, on the contrary.
The fact that acne is visible to the naked eye is both a plus and a minus. The advantage is that you can see it in time and start treating it in time, the minus is that due to the obviousness of the problem, there is an illusion of simplicity and ease in treatment, and this is not at all the case.
As a result, as a cosmetologist, I often encounter such polar situations as the non-recognition of really effective ways to solve a problem at the same time as a frivolous attitude to serious treatment...