The problem of enlarged pores: procedures that reduce the oiliness of the skin

Regular care can significantly improve the condition of the skin


Догляд за жирною шкірою – як салонний, так і домашній – має бути спрямований на те, щоб зменшити товщину рогового шару, знизити секрецію сальних залоз і оптимізувати вихід сала на поверхню. Розглянемо докладніше, із чого ж він складається.

The list of salon procedures that correct the problem of enlarged pores includes: cosmetic and therapeutic cleansing, procedures that reduce skin oiliness and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, anti-inflammatory and resorptive procedures, therapeutic massage. Physiotherapy methods include cryoprocedures, desincrustation, darsonvalization, iontophoresis, and phonophoresis.

Professional cleansing is a mandatory procedure for oily skin, and it must be done from the transitional age, otherwise the pores will clog and expand. Cleaning allows you to even out the texture and color of the skin, narrow the pores, regulate the processes of keratinization, improve microcirculation and sufficiently increase the effectiveness of other procedures aimed at correcting this problem. The cleaning scheme is determined individually.

Various peelings have proven themselves well: mechanical (microdermabrasion), chemical (for example, glycolic, lactic, mandelic acid), enzymatic. As we have already said, oily skin has a thicker layer of keratinized epithelium, which becomes even denser with age, when the rejection of its particles slows down. Therefore, such skin especially needs the use of peelings and special products that contribute to the correct and timely exfoliation of dead cells.

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