PRP: an effective method of anti-aging therapy

What protocols to use?


Let's analyze the possibilities of using platelet-rich plasma in aesthetic medicine.

Hematology has taken a step forward over the past few decades, and we, cosmetologists, strive to be at the forefront of science. Procedures related to autohemotherapy and rejuvenation are of great interest to both doctors and patients.

The blood system is a regulatory neurohumoral apparatus, as well as blood formation and blood destruction organs. Blood consists of:

  • plasma - the liquid part of blood, which is 55-65% of the total volume of blood;
  • formed elements of blood, which include erythrocytes (96% of the number of formed elements), leukocytes (3%) and platelets (1%).

The leukocyte formula contains eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils (young rod- and segmentonuclear), lymphocytes, and monocytes. Platelets are a source of growth factor.

Thrombocytes, or blood platelets, are flat cells of an irregular round shape that do not have nuclei, which produce and secrete a number of biologically active substances.

Platelets are a source of growth factors for blood plasma proteins (fibrin, etc.), cytochemokines. Growth factors accumulate in granules and are then released by means of exocytosis after activation of platelets. They play the most important role in the processes of tissue regeneration, and blood plasma proteins serve as scaffolds for the regeneration and migration of epithelial cells. Currently, more than 30 growth factors are known, which are in platelet granules.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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