Aging morphotypes and anti-age therapy
Effective methods of correction
Глибинне дослідження морфотипів старіння є на сьогоднішній день одним з основних завдань естетичної медицини, вирішення якої потребує поєднаних зусиль косметолога, пластичного хірурга та фахівців суміжних дисциплін.
As a basis, we decided to take the undeservedly forgotten classification of aging morphotypes, proposed in the 70s of the 20th century by I.I. Kolgunenko. This classification is very attractive as an opportunity to approach aesthetic correction holistically.
Using pathogenetically based principles, it is possible to choose a complex individual correction program that will give both a quick and a long-term result, and will allow predicting further age-related changes.
Tired morphotype
This morphotype is considered the most favorable option, a kind of marker of the physiological course of aging. It is typical for thin women with an oval or diamond-shaped face.
Characteristic: the skin is initially normal or prone to dryness, the subcutaneous fat is moderately developed, there is a suborbital and/or nasolabial (buccal-zygomatic) furrow, there is moderate ptosis of the lower third of the face, nasolabial folds and "marionette" wrinkles of medium depth. Muscle tone and skin turgor are reduced. Ptosis and deformational changes are not pronounced, the manifestations of photoaging of the skin are moderate.
Correction of tired morphotype
In the aesthetic correction of this morphotype, it is recommended to use basic care with modeling, collagen, thermoactive masks, cryotherapy, vacuum roller massage, and microcurrents. This type "responds" well to mechanical stimulation: microdermabrasion, mesoroler.
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Full version of the access article in Ukrainian
Read also
- Correction of the main types of facial aging: a cosmetologist's guide
- Antiaging aesthetics: prevention and correction of age-related facial changes
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- Anti-aging injection cosmetology. How to choose a drug?
- Retargeting: age management, or What awaits us today
- Morphotypes of aging
- Anti-aging