Notes from a cosmetologist. Three stages of the anti-aging program


It is generally accepted that rehabilitation cosmetology is post-traumatic rehabilitation of the face and neck, which includes the elimination of cosmetic defects

It is generally accepted that rehabilitation cosmetology is post-traumatic rehabilitation of the face and neck, which includes the elimination of cosmetic skin defects resulting from burns, injuries, acne, peelings, aesthetic surgeries and injections. This is not entirely accurate.

The term “rehabilitation cosmetology,” in my opinion, should be understood and considered much more broadly, both in the sense of aesthetic correction of age-related and premature deformities of the face and neck, and in the sense of complications after injection or surgical corrections.

The peculiarity of this anatomical zone is that here, within relatively small limits, organs that are important and diverse in their functions fit. The topographic-anatomical and functional diversity of muscles, integumentary tissues, their innervation, blood supply and lymphatic drainage pathways make it possible to call this area one of the most complex.

Why is knowledge about functional disorders so important for a cosmetologist?

Because functional disorders lead to biomechanical dysfunctions such as changes in muscle tone and muscle imbalance; tissue tension distortion and tension imbalance; changes in the position of the lower jaw and temporomandibular joints; migration of submuscular fat deposits.

All these biomechanical dysfunctions, disrupting the blood circulation, venous and lymphatic outflows, lead to a deterioration in the quality of facial tissues, forming such external aesthetic signs of aging as pastiness, puffiness, folds, “bags”, unclear oval of the face, “extra” volumes, asymmetries, short neck, wrinkles, dullness, sagging facial skin.

How does this happen from a biomechanical point of view?

Muscle strain occurs. This changes the tone of the muscle, and subsequently the length of the muscle. Tissue tension changes, which leads to changes in the position of muscles, bones and joints. Freedom of movement is violated. The balance of myofascial structures changes and the craniofacial architecture is disrupted. This leads to improper outflow and inflow, and subsequently stagnation in the tissues. The tissue is damaged, its nutrition deteriorates, and it ages. Finally, aesthetic deformations appear.

Result using a specific example

When I first saw this patient many years ago at a clinic appointment, my first thought was to immediately send her to a plastic surgeon for surgical correction of the upper and midface area. But she had obvious disturbances in lymphatic drainage and changes in the condition and position of fat packets in the midface - lip bags, swollen eyelids, upper (albeit minor) nasolabial folds, flaccid, dry and sagging skin. With such visible markers of disturbance in this area, surgical intervention was not even worth thinking about. Any aesthetic correction (surgical, hardware, injection) in this area would result in a serious complication for her - due to mesial occlusion; postural (head thrown back and forward) and facial patterns; in this case, a mandatory change in the tone of the muscles of the occlusal association; problematic condition of the right (operated) eye; changes in the thyroid gland (which affects the tone of the facial muscles, which can further provoke congestion in this area). Therefore, I advised you to go through three stages:

First stage. Restore the skin barrier layer and correct hyperpigmentation (home care). This is mandatory preparation for the second and third stages. The first and second stages proceed in parallel.

Second phase. Restore (physiologically normalize) the condition, position and balance of the connective tissue structures of the face and neck (muscles, fascia, ligaments, bones, joints, vascular bed, body fluids, etc.) in order to improve the circulation of fluids. (method of functional aesthetic rehabilitation of facial tissues “Layer-by-layer therapy Reface Laitlift System”). The result of the restoration is recorded in the photo.

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Third stage. RF therapy (Reaction Viora + Unfusion device). Impact the dermal layers of the skin to further activate blood flow. This should improve the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, start the process of neocollagenesis, moisturize the skin, tighten it and reduce the skin flap.

The result is recorded in double photographs.

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Post Scriptum

I have a negative attitude towards the practice of using invasive methods of influence at the first stage of aesthetic correction. What happens? The patient has disorders and changes in skin quality (for example, the skin barrier is broken or dysfunction in the dermal layers responsible for the amount of water in the skin), muscle tone is changed (fat packets are therefore displaced and lymphatic drainage is impaired); weak nerve plexuses and weak blood vessels. These disorders cause many inflammatory foci, and bam... and an injection! And the face, what? Will he immediately become young and beautiful? Or healthy?

Polina Laiter is a medical cosmetologist PME, a specialist in the field of restorative cosmetology and natural rejuvenation of the face and neck, the author of the “Layered Therapy Reface Laitlift System” method (Israel).

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