Nuances of terminology: birthmarks and birthmarks

What are the differences between birthmarks, nevi, and birthmarks?


Birthmarks and birthmarks are terms that are most often used to describe different types of skin formations, they are not synonymous and have their own characteristics. Doctors analyze birthmarks and moles from one point of view - how safe they are for the health of patients.

Nevi are birthmarks

The term "nevus" is a Latin medical synonym of the words birthmark and birthmark. But to determine the type of birthmark and correctly describe the diagnosis, it is necessary to add a term characterizing the type of cells from which the nevus was formed to the definition of nevus, and in some cases, the time of its appearance.

How are birthmarks different?

Birthmarks differ in the appearance of cells, including those formed during embryogenesis, clinical manifestations, i.e. the color and texture of the birthmark, treatment methods, and even the prognosis of possible malignancy (malignant transformation).

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