Myomodulation: changing facial expressions with the help of fillers and НА

Why is it necessary to influence facial expressions?


Today, the desire to have a young and healthy appearance has become more relevant than ever, so the phrase "one should age beautifully" is used less and less often. So what drives us to want to change age patterns?

Speaking about age patterns and our attitude towards them, we can cite as an example Hutchison-Gilford progeria - a rare genetic disease of children, manifested by premature and accelerated aging of the body. When a child looks old, even knowing its age, we involuntarily associate it with future death, we feel pity and sadness.

Examining himself in the mirror, a person sees a frozen picture, all the consequences of mimic activity. But old age is not a static moment, but a story that we get as a result of dynamics. It is possible to determine the real age of a person almost without error only as a result of live communication, so we can see the full picture, the totality of all factors that determine age.

The ultimate goal of using fillers, anti-age correction is a younger appearance of the patient. At the same time, the doctor's task, on the one hand, is banal to improve the client's condition, make him happier and satisfied with his appearance, and on the other hand, to determine absolutely clearly what and where to inject. It is in the ability to combine the emotional side of our work with the accuracy, "aiming" of injections that the professionalism of a specialist is manifested.

The main tasks of anti-age correction are to remove negative emotional patterns, asymmetry and stigmas of aging. Now let's analyze each of these points in detail.

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