Biorevitalization: the possibilities of hyaluronic acid

Questions regarding the validity of the choice of injection procedures


When solving the task of cosmetic rejuvenation, it is necessary to remember that the skin is the largest organ of our body, which has many biological functions. And the task of the EM doctor is not only not to disturb these functions with his intervention, but also to support them if possible.

The vital activity of our body involves constant regeneration, which is a dynamic balance of the processes of decay of existing tissues and their restoration. To implement the first part of this equation - decomposition - special enzymes (metalloproteinases) are present in the skin, capable of dissolving macromolecules of the dermis through hydrolysis. Restoration of worn-out tissues occurs by stimulation of protein synthesis of fibroblasts, which is generally activated by growth hormone in the phase of REM sleep.

Special receptors in the fibroblast cell wall are activated either by growth factors or soluble components of the dermis and cause the formation of new molecules - this is how new structural components of the dermis, in particular, glycosaminoglycans, reticular collagen (type III) and elastin, are formed.

The productivity of the fibroblast depends on a number of factors: the age of the cell, the receptors that are stimulated, the physical and chemical properties of the environment, etc. The older we get, the worse this performance gets. A decrease in the production of glycosaminoglycans (in particular, the well-known hyaluronic acid) leads to a lack of moisture inside the dermis and, as a result, a violation of biochemical properties, deterioration of metabolism and metabolism in the dermis.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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