Impact of stress on skin functions, or How to diagnose stressed skin

Stressed skin - what is it?


Our patients often do not associate the appearance of certain aesthetic skin problems, such as acne, couperose, premature aging or worsening psoriasis, with nervous tension. However, to get rid of these problems, it is important to find the cause and take into account the presence of stressful factors in the treatment and care protocol.

Stress is a state of tension of non-specific adaptation mechanisms that arise when the body is affected by excessive force or pathogenic factors. Factors whose action leads to the development of stress are called stressors.

In response to the action of the stressor, a set of changes occurs, which was called the "general adaptation syndrome".

The general adaptation syndrome includes structural, biochemical, functional, clinical changes in the body and consists of three stages. Studies have confirmed that the skin is both a direct stress receptor and a target of stress reactions.

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