Permanent stress: how not to enter the stage of exhaustion

The psychology of stress and ways to deal with it


Stress is almost constantly present in our lives - only its level can be higher or lower. In order to better understand what happens to the psyche during the war, and to protect yourself from the negative consequences of stress, we offer to understand what this phenomenon is and how it can be mitigated its impact on a person's emotional state.

Stress is one of the adaptive manifestations, which is a set of reactions of the human body that have a general protective nature and appear in response to powerful and long-lasting influences. It is necessary to understand that the influence itself is only a reason for "starting" the stress mechanism, as a result of which a neuro-psychic experience occurs, in which the whole body participates.

It is quite obvious that everyone's reaction to the same influence is individual - from aggression and anger to a smile. Therefore, given the ambiguity of emotional manifestations in stressful situations, it is extremely important to learn to control one's attitude towards them, as well as to choose adequate methods of resolution.

Stress is a difficult test, and whether you can withstand it depends largely on the way you choose to experience it. The latter can be both an impetus to intensify personal growth, mastering the skills of new behavioral reactions in communication with loved ones, colleagues and patients, the development of positive thinking qualities and maintaining the health of one's body, as well as negative consequences.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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