Hair pathologies: diagnostic methods in trichology

Overview of methods and their advantages


Proper diagnosis plays a huge role in trichology. Treatment of dandruff, various types of hair loss and alopecia, restoration of hair structure is impossible without determining the cause of the problem. We will talk about modern diagnostic methods in this article.

When a patient consults a trichologist, in addition to taking an anamnesis and a visual examination, a number of examinations are also prescribed, which make it possible to assess the structure of the hair, abnormalities in its growth, the condition of the scalp, follicular openings, the shape of the follicles, and to understand the etiology of the disease.

Hair pathologies with which patients come to see a trichologist can have various causes. Of course, the very first stage of diagnosis is a detailed conversation between the doctor and the patient, which allows you to collect as much information as possible about the existing disease (complaints, duration and nature of the course of the disease, dynamics, genetic predisposition, stress that accompanies the disease, chronic diseases, taking certain drugs, the nature of nutrition etc).

After that, a general examination of the patient begins and an examination of the lesion site for any abnormalities (satellite skin diseases, problems with nails, eyelashes, eyebrows, hirsutism phenomena, elements of rash, hair texture, dryness, greasiness, roots and tips, etc.) . And only then comes the stage of instrumental diagnostics, the methods of which we will highlight in this article.

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