Alopecia: a reaction to disturbances in the functioning of the body

Symptomatic hair loss


Hair loss immediately becomes a noticeable cosmetic defect, which almost always depresses a person, contributes to the development of a depressive state. Let's talk about hair diseases that are manifested by hypotrichosis and are the most disturbing to patients.

The diversity of hair pathology is one of the most difficult problems of differential diagnosis in dermatology. Hair diseases are divided into hypertrichosis and hypotrichosis, distinguish between acquired and congenital conditions. In order to establish a correct diagnosis, which will help to pay attention to the internal troubles of the body in a timely manner, the doctor must first of all have a good knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of hair.

Types of baldness and its therapy

Alopecia can be based on the following processes: telogen baldness, anagen hair loss, hair follicle destruction - cicatricial alopecia, hair miniaturization, hair shaft defects. Among hypotrichosis, a prominent place belongs to various diffuse alopecias.

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