Correction of the main types of facial aging: a cosmetologist's guide
Complex pathogenetic approach

Whether aging is a disease that can and should be treated, or whether it is a natural state of the body, one of the stages of its life and one can only postpone the manifestation of certain age-related changes - all these questions are still the subject of heated discussions.
Every specialist in aesthetic medicine faces a reasonable question about achieving optimal quality and high efficiency of professional services. Currently, global and domestic cosmetology has a huge scientific and practical potential, and we have a wide range of diverse methods and tools at our disposal.
When solving the assigned tasks, the doctor should single out the dominant problem, on which the main efforts will be directed immediately, and secondary problems, the solution of which can be postponed. At the same time, of course, you should focus on the data of an objective examination, but at the same time, you should take into account the opinion of the patient himself.
It is customary to distinguish different types of facial aging, which are important to consider, since the algorithms for their correction differ from each other.
Full version of the access article in Ukrainian
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