Acquired hypermelanosis: differential diagnosis

Violation of skin color in dermatocosmetic practice


Pathologies of the synthesis of various pigments, inherent in the skin or introduced from the outside, become the causes of skin discoloration (dyschromia, hyperpigmentation, melanosis). Let's talk about the most common pathology associated with melanin synthesis.

Disorders of melanin pigmentation are classified in dermatocosmetology as:

  • primary, or congenital, melanin hyperpigmentation (hypermelanoses (НМ), which are embryonic defects of skin development and can appear from birth or arise later. These include congenital (pigment nevi) or hereditary (swallows - ephelides, periorbital melanosis, lentiginosis) pigmentation;
  • acquired НМ, which are due to the activation of melanogenesis due to various exo- or endogenous reasons. Acquired НМ include melasma, chloasma, toxic melanoderma (Riel's melanosis), melanoderma in endocrine diseases, drug-induced hyperpigmentation.

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