A combined approach to the rejuvenation of delicate areas

Combinatory use of collagen stimulators and botulinum therapy


In the world of medical cosmetology, there are many methods of correcting aesthetic defects of the skin with the help of fillers, meson threads, and hardware methods, but there are still difficulties in rejuvenating the neck, décolletage, and hands.

This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of these zones, the almost complete absence of subcutaneous adipose tissue and the activity of the muscular system. A comprehensive approach and new protocols to eliminate wrinkles and improve skin quality are needed.

These cases demonstrate the effectiveness of the combined use of collagen stimulators and botulinum therapy.

The area of ​​the neck and décolleté is considered vulnerable due to anatomical features and weak protection against the adverse effects of environmental factors. Physiologically thin skin loses its protective qualities over the years and weakly resists external influences. A small number of sebaceous glands in the neck and décolleté area contributes to early withering. The tissues contain very few melanocyte cells, which are necessary for protection against ultraviolet light, which causes rapid photoaging due to solar activity. The muscles that support the skin also weaken quite quickly. This manifests itself in the form of the formation of horizontal and vertical wrinkles.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

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