Skin rejuvenation: a variety of hardware techniques
We choose the method of correction

The rapid development of hardware technologies, which has been observed in the last decade in aesthetic medicine, forces the practicing doctor to constantly fill the "gaps" in knowledge, which in medicine can be based only on the clinical results of the application of one or another method of correction of various aesthetic problems. Let's talk about the effectiveness of laser techniques, photo technologies and radio frequency currents (RF) in correcting various aesthetic problems.
With age, there is a change in the microrelief of the skin. Experts associate these processes with changes in the papillary layer of the dermis, namely with its "smoothing". The smoothing of the papillary layer is associated with the destruction of collagen and, especially, elastin fibers in the area of the epidermal-dermal junction.
To diagnose this type of withering, the doctor must have sufficient experience or diagnostic equipment that allows comparing existing skin changes with average age indicators.
The main cause of the destructive processes occurring in the skin is the negative impact of ultraviolet rays on the skin and the free radicals that are formed at the same time. As a result, there is destruction of elastin and collagen molecules, damage to the DNA of cells, as well as an increase in the activity of elastase and collagenase enzymes of the skin, which leads to additional destruction of these molecules.
Full version of the access article in Ukrainian
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