Permanent make-up of the eyelids: from idea to realization
Possibilities of permanent makeup

Eyelid tattooing makes the look clear and open, eliminates some imperfections in the shape of the eyes, and gives the face a well-groomed and fresh look.
The work of a micropigmentation specialist on the tattoo of the eyelids begins with a joint discussion with the client and drawing a sketch. At this stage, the master acts not only as a make-up artist, but also as a specialist who knows the characteristics of the skin of the eyelids and the corresponding limitations, risks, and contraindications.
Usually the dialogue with the client begins with the fact that the master listens to the wishes and description of the finished result - something that he will have to embody for centuries. At this point, the task of the master is to familiarize the client with the features of the tattoo, which can make adjustments to her idea, and come to a reasonable agreement. All these facts will become the basis for the future drawing of the sketch.
During the discussion of the sketch, the specialist should help the client understand that eyelid tattooing is done, if not for life, then for a fairly long time. Just like eyebrow and lip tattooing, eyelid tattooing involves periodic correction to maintain its quality in those areas of the skin that have been exposed. If the correction procedure is not done later, then you should not carry out the initial tattoo procedure, so as not to regret your decision in the future. Firstly, the pigment can be removed unevenly by the immune system, and secondly, even after a single procedure, sometimes it can last for a long time.
Eyelid tattoo: why and how?
The main idea of eyelid tattooing is to make the eyes look expressive enough without makeup. Therefore, filling the space between the eyelashes to create the effect of the density of eyelashes has become quite reasonably popular. When developing a tattoo sketch of the upper eyelid, it should be taken into account that the complete filling of the inter-ciliary space along all rows of eyelashes, including the lower one, can contribute to the visual effect of reducing the eyes, which is undesirable for small or narrow eyes.
When discussing the sketch of the eyeliner and the arrow, it is necessary to warn the client that most often the tattoo of the eyelids is inferior in brightness to traditional decorative cosmetics. This is understandable, because the pigment during tattooing does not lie on the surface, but is located under the epidermis. Long arrows with a wide eyeliner in this case may look ridiculous. Best of all, if they are a detail of the corresponding make-up and made by means of decorative cosmetics. In addition, long enough arrows may lose their symmetry after blepharoplasty.
If the client really wants to achieve maximum brightness of the eyeliner or arrow, then you can use a well-known artistic technique based on the contrast effect. To do this, a light-colored line is drawn along the upper edge of the eyeliner and arrow, while white and light skin colors can be used. The opposite is the idea of feathering the top edge of the eyeliner and arrow. Such a desire of the client is quite feasible.
If the master believes that there are aesthetic indications for simulating the eyeliner of the lower eyelid, then when developing a sketch of the eyelid tattoo, you should pay attention to the following points:
- depending on the length and direction of the line, you can visually both open and narrow the eye;
- a line along the base of the eyelashes of the lower eyelid, you can draw both thin and wide (1-1.5 mm);
- in terms of brightness, the line on the lower eyelid should be recommended to be made in light colors so as not to weigh down the lower eyelid and visually reduce the eye. The most commonly used gray-smoky, bluish, light green, marsh, light brown colors.
The combination of the upper eyelid frog and the extended lower eyelid line in permanent make-up is inappropriate from an aesthetic point of view and fundamentally unacceptable due to the risk of pigment spreading in the skin. The probability of this is high if the tattoo line runs in a certain sector near the outer corner of the eye.
In conclusion, we note that eyelid tattooing should be done in such a way that, firstly, it fits as a basis in any makeup option, and, secondly, it looks harmonious on the face even without makeup.
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