Eyebrow sketching: what will help to avoid mistakes?
Accessories-assistants of the master of permanent make-up

Eyebrows are able to complete the make-up, and at the same time, their wrong design can make the face untidy. We offer to refresh your knowledge of the accessories necessary to build a successful sketch.
Eyebrows are a very interesting part of the face: they can easily be misleading. Eyebrows alone can complete the make-up, and at the same time, their wrong design can make the face untidy. In this situation, a permanent makeup master comes to the rescue, who is able not only to choose the right shape, but also to bring it to life in the form of a tattoo. We offer to refresh your knowledge regarding the range of goods needed to build a successful sketch. About this - in the permanent heading "The ABC of the Beginning Master"
A - Accessories for sketching eyebrows
The classic ruler is a soft (plastic) plastic base with applied millimeter divisions. Most often, such a model is used, on which there is centering for symmetry. Please note that it is much easier to work with transparent rulers - this way you can see both the brow arch and divisions in the process without interference.
Most often, reusable instruments are used, which are then treated with an antiseptic. However, the sticker ruler (or brow sticker) is gaining more and more popularity lately - a disposable film with applied markings. Before use, you must independently mark the center between the eyebrows, above which the middle or “0” mark on the ruler will be placed. Further, with a slight movement, the film is glued to the skin and can remain on it for quite a long time, allowing you to control the symmetry of the sketch throughout the entire procedure. Not to be confused with ready-made eyebrow stencils!
Eyebrow stencils
Probably the only tool that we strongly advise against using. Or at least in rare cases. Pre-prepared stencils are created without taking into account the individual characteristics of the face, and such a sketch will not always look harmonious. Moreover, although this simplifies and speeds up the process of work, the use of ready-made stencils greatly “slows down” the master in the development of the eye.
Compasses "Leonardo"
In its structure, the compass resembles the letter "W" - it is equipped with three bases, with the help of which proportions and length are measured. An interesting and at the same time convenient nuance: when you change one length on the compass, the other one automatically shifts. The instrument got its name from the rule of the "Golden Ratio" by Leonardo da Vinci. Using this compass, you will never be mistaken where the hairs should begin and end, where the extension will be, etc.
A tool with a movable base will help you measure and correctly place marking points, determine the length of the tail and body of the eyebrow, and indents. Millimeter marking will not allow you to make an error, and the plastic from which it is made does not bear a load on the hand, thereby simplifying the work of the master.
When choosing "your" instrument, listen and take into account the experience, as well as the dimensions of the instrument, the need for free hands. In addition, when drawing in the classical way, it will never be superfluous to check yourself with some kind of fixture.