Create an eyebrow sketch: work on 5 points
The subtleties of building a universal sketch of symmetrical eyebrows

The correct construction of an eyebrow sketch is one of the most important stages of the permanent eyebrow makeup procedure and, a priori, a necessary skill for each eyebrow
To achieve a successful result, the master must be both a make-up artist, and an artist, and a psychologist at the same time. In this material, we will try to talk about all the intricacies of building a universal sketch of symmetrical eyebrows.
Speaking of "universal", any master should understand that this technique is suitable for drawing symmetrical eyebrows on any face. At the same time, we want to once again draw attention to the fact that, only by bringing the drawing of a universal sketch to automaticity, you will be able to create individual sketches for each of your clients, taking into account the features of the face shape and the wishes of the client to create harmonious eyebrows. But this is the next step in the work on the eyebrows.
At the initial stage - only geometry! All masters, especially beginners, should remember that you should not chase fashion trends and impose the eyebrow shape that is currently popular. After all, the eyebrows created by you will be with the client for quite a long time and he should be comfortable in this image. And classics, as you know, are always in fashion.
Correct eyebrow construction - how to choose a shape
Once again, we repeat that the process of building an eyebrow by points is pure geometry. And yet, to select their form, the master must first analyze the face of the client. The presented scheme is a common cheat sheet used by masters to choose a harmonious shape of eyebrows.
Based on this scheme and on practical experience, the masters note that, depending on the shape of the face:
- for an oval face, any shape of the eyebrow is suitable;
- on an elongated face , straight lines far from the bridge of the nose will look better;
- eyebrows with smooth rounded lines look like a square face;
- heart-shaped and diamond-shaped - the classic shape of the eyebrow with a bend;
- would look best on a round face maximally curved graphic eyebrows without roundness
Experts recommend the following exercise for beginner eyebrow artists: walking around the city, being in public places, mentally select the shape of the eyebrows for each passerby / girlfriend / fellow traveler. First determine the shape of the face, then the shape of the eyebrows. And then boldly proceed to drawing a sketch.
The main thing is to develop a skill for the correct construction of an eyebrow sketch. The process of marking the eyebrows should be brought to automatism. And for this you need to train daily, and not on a sheet of paper, but on the relief of the face, regardless of your work experience. As a result, you will not spend more than 20 minutes on this stage of the procedure.
How to mark up an eyebrow sketch
And now we recall the course of school geometry. Building eyebrows by points is the most effective way to create harmonious eyebrows. We outline 5 main points .
- The starting point of the body of the eyebrow. To find it, we apply a pencil parallel to the nose so that it passes through the teardrop.
- Eyebrow breakpoint . This point can be found in two ways: with wide-set eyes, we apply a pencil to the wing of the nose and draw a line through the pupil; with narrowly planted - through the iris.
- Outer corner of the eyebrow . One edge of the pencil touches the wing of the nose, the second - passes through the outer corner of the eye.
- Lower brow line . Visually move the eye up. We measure the desired width of the eyebrow and draw two parallel lines from the head to the break point, and then they narrow and go into a bend. It is important to observe one important rule here: the tail of the eyebrow should never fall below this line!
- Eyebrow start point (eyebrow head). This point is formed depending on the type of face. We retreat from the first point towards the bridge of the nose from 0.1 - to 1 cm. This zone should always be soft, without clear lines.
Another important rule: you can not radically go beyond the hair growth zone.
How to make symmetrical eyebrows
After you have completely drawn one eyebrow, you need to create a second one that is symmetrical to it. Here we must not forget that in nature, in principle, absolute symmetry is rarely found, and human eyebrows are no exception. The main thing in permanent makeup is that new eyebrows do not emphasize the existing natural asymmetry, but, if possible, compensate for it. Masters should try to see that golden mean in the form of the location of the eyebrows and maintain (or create the missing) harmony of the face as a whole. This is very difficult, and is due to the fact that there may be several criteria for making a decision, and sometimes they may contradict each other. You need to create a sketch only in a sitting position! Otherwise, there may be serious errors in symmetry.
Types of facial asymmetry in the form of eyebrows
Permanent makeup masters most often encounter the following types of facial asymmetry when working with the shape of the eyebrows:
- the middle line of the bridge of the nose is shifted to one eye;
- the bridge of the nose is tilted to the right or to the left;
- superciliary arches have a different relief;
- the eyes are located at different levels in relation to the horizon line;
- the transition from the frontal bone to the temporal bone has a different steepness on the right and left.
In addition, the difficulty in assessing the symmetry of the eyebrow sketch may be due to the different height of hair growth on the right and left eyebrows.
Eyebrow sketching
The main criterion for the quality of permanent make-up services is the aesthetic and moral satisfaction of the client from the achieved result. This can be achieved only as a result of the joint work of the master and the client. A sketch is a clear vision of the boundaries of future work, convenience for the master, this is work without fear of losing important points under the influence of an anesthetic.
A sketch is the client’s peace of mind, because the client must see how the healed tattoo will look , that is, already at this stage the client should be able to imagine the future permanent makeup as accurately as possible and evaluate its aesthetic characteristics.
You can use a white wax pencil or concealer to decorate the borders of the sketch. It is better to draw the eyebrow itself with a cosmetic pencil of the desired shade (trying to accurately convey the shade and brightness of the healed eyebrows). After the sketch has been approved by the client and before anesthesia is applied, it is recommended to mark the important points of the sketch with a permanent marker to fix the permanent makeup.