Accessories for creating a sketch of the PM eyebrows: what will help to avoid mistakes
Note to permanent makeup masters

Wrong eyebrow design can make a face unkempt and even add age to its owner. We invite PM masters to refresh their knowledge and list accessories that can be used to build a successful sketch.
One of the most important stages of the eyebrow PM procedure is drawing a sketch - the appearance of the entire periorbital zone, the final result of the procedure and the overall impression of permanent makeup depend on how correctly the specialist marked the eyebrows, corrected their shape.
The correct creation of eyebrow architecture is a necessary skill for every master, which directly depends on experience. In order to choose the right shape for the face, a micropigmentation specialist must be not only an artist and make-up artist, but also a psychologist. Only in the case of a harmonious construction of the form, the PM procedure will be able to emphasize the dignity of the face, while maintaining the natural appearance.
Fortunately, a fairly wide range of products comes to the aid of the masters, which can help in building a successful sketch, if the master is only gaining experience and is not yet completely sure of the correctness of his actions. So, let's talk about accessories for creating an eyebrow sketch.
Eyebrow ruler
The classic ruler is most often a soft (plastic) plastic base, on which millimeter divisions are applied. It is recommended to purchase such a model of the line, which has a centering for symmetry. Experienced craftsmen say that it is much easier to work with transparent rulers - this allows you to see both the eyebrow arch and division without interference in the process of marking.
Even if the master most often uses reusable instruments (but do not forget that after each client the instrument must be treated with an antiseptic), this does not mean that he should refuse to use the sticker line (brow sticker), which is becoming increasingly popular.
A ruler-sticker is a disposable film on which markings are applied. Before using such a ruler in work, the master needs to independently mark the center between the eyebrows, and then place the middle of the ruler or the “0” mark above the mark. After that, the film is glued to the skin and can remain on it for quite a long time. Using this ruler allows the master to control the symmetry of the sketch throughout the procedure.
Eyebrow stencils
Ready-made stencils for eyebrows are the only accessory that experienced masters strongly do not recommend for beginners to use in their practice.
Since pre-prepared stencils are created without taking into account the individual characteristics of the face, such a sketch will not always look harmonious. In addition, even if it simplifies and speeds up the process of a specialist’s work, the use of ready-made stencils greatly hinders the master in his own professional development, for example, the eye will practically not develop if a stencil is used, and the cool PM master must have a developed eye.
Compasses "Leonardo"
This tool in its structure resembles the letter "W". It got its name from Leonardo da Vinci's "golden section" rule. The compass is equipped with three bases, with which the specialist can measure the proportions and length of the face. A convenient nuance in the work of the wizard: when you change one length on the compass, the other one automatically changes. Using this compass, the master will avoid marking mistakes - where the hairs should begin and end, where the eyebrow extension will be, etc.
This is a tool with a movable base, which helps to measure and correctly place marking points, determine the length of the tail and body of the eyebrow, indents. The caliper has a millimeter marking, the use of which eliminates the possibility of making an error.
Summing up, it must be said that the master, choosing “his” instrument, must first of all rely on his own experience, take into account the dimensions of the instrument, the need for free hands. Even when drawing a sketch in the classical way, it will never be superfluous to test yourself with some kind of device.