"Checkpoints" of permanent makeup: the correct construction of the eyebrow
The geometry of permanent makeup

One of the main stages of the procedure of permanent makeup of the eyebrows, on which the achievement of a successful result depends, is the correct construction of the sketch. For this, the master must be both a make-up artist, and an artist, and a psychologist.
Professionals say that building an eyebrow by points is geometry for schoolchildren. However, before starting to choose the shape of the eyebrows, it is very important to analyze the client's face: study the features of the face, its shape (facial geometry), focus on the shape of the eyes and their fit.
The geometry of permanent makeup
Recall that the eyebrow consists of 5 important points: the beginning of the eyebrow along the bottom edge; the beginning of the eyebrow along the upper edge; eyebrow peak (its top); a point under the top along the lower edge of the eyebrow; the end of the eyebrow (tail).
Traditionally, distinguishing 7 types of face shapes, the oval shape is considered ideal according to natural lines. For her, you can choose any shape of the eyebrows, and eyebrows with a soft break in this case will look especially impressive. For a round face, an eyebrow with a high rise and a short tip is suitable, while straighter and longer eyebrows, without pronounced lifts and bends, are recommended for a rectangular face shape. Square faces are ideal for high, rounded eyebrows. Alternatively, you can use a straight brow line with an elongated tip. It is strongly not recommended to create thin eyebrows of too dark a shade on square faces.
For owners of a triangular face shape, a short straight eyebrow is contraindicated, but a long eyebrow with a raised tail is recommended. For a pear-shaped face, the eyebrows need to be “arranged” a little and lengthen the shape. A straight or slightly rounded line, with a long tail, will do. A diamond-shaped face looks somewhat angular, so it needs to be smoothed out with round-shaped eyebrows (correct arch). Or offer eyebrows of the correct straight shape, avoiding broken lines.
By working with the main points of the eyebrow, which we mentioned at the beginning of the article, you can correct the shape of the eyes and the entire face as a whole.
Planting eyes and points 1-2 (the beginning of the eyebrow)
Masters can slightly expand the area between the eyebrows to visually correct the close fit of the eyes (when the distance between the eyes is less than the eye itself). Otherwise, in the presence of a wide planting of the eyes, the area between the eyebrows, on the contrary, must be brought closer, using the possibilities of the PM.
The shape of the eyes and points 3-4 (the peak of the eyebrow and the point below it along the bottom edge)
If the eyes are narrow, you need to visually round the shape of the eye by moving the peak of the eyebrow to the center of the face. To draw visually round eyes, you need to move point 3 to the periphery from the center of the face.
If the client wants to stretch the face in breadth (in the case of a long face), point 4 is shifted a little lower, which will make the eyebrow straighter along the bottom line and create a horizontal accent on the vertically elongated face.
If the face is wide, make the eyebrows with an expressive curve (this is achieved by moving point 4 to the center of the face diagonally) - which will make the face longer.
Eyebrow start and end
Regarding the horizontal axis, the eyebrows are divided into classical, ascending and falling. In a classic eyebrow, the beginning and tail along the bottom line are on the same horizontal line. An ascending eyebrow is characterized by a higher beginning of the eyebrow along the bottom line relative to its end, and a falling eyebrow is characterized by the location of the beginning of the eyebrow along the bottom line above the tail.
When working on the head of the eyebrow, you need to remember that the round head is considered a classic option. A graphic (square) head is suitable only for clients with ideal facial features, with a “model” appearance. There is also a beveled head, with which you can adjust the fit of the eyes.