Anesthesia in permanent makeup: rules for using drugs

Application anesthesia in the practice of a permanent makeup master


Taking care of his clients, the master must have comprehensive information about anesthetics. We present a guide to the types, prescriptions and brands of anesthetics for permanent makeup

Permanent make-up, microblading and tattooing are impossible without the use of powerful anesthesia. After all, no one with a normal pain threshold can endure intense and fairly deep injections into the especially sensitive and delicate skin of the eyelids, lips, eyebrows, areola of the chest, even in the name of heavenly beauty. Therefore, high-quality and reliable specialized anesthetics are mandatory accessories for procedures. How to choose them - read our article.


The word anesthesia comes from the Greek aisthesis, meaning sensation. The negation sign "an" means the absence of temperature, pain and other sensitivity. Local anesthetics, or local anesthetics, are drugs that cause local loss of sensation, primarily pain. Local anesthetics are widely used in dental practice, since most of the dentist's manipulations cause pain of varying intensity. What causes the effect of local anesthetics? Sensations from sensitive nerve endings to the central nervous system are transmitted along nerve fibers by generating an electrical impulse. When nerve endings are irritated by pressure, incision, exposure to temperature, or in another way, excitation spreads along the nerve fiber due to the wave-like movement of sodium ions into and out of the cell. If the irritation is strong and exceeds the threshold of sensitivity, which is individual for each person, he begins to feel pain.

Pain is a physiological response that informs us of harmful effects that are potentially dangerous to the body. If it is a burn or a sharp injection, we immediately reflexively withdraw, for example, a hand, from the source of pain. But if it is pain associated with the need for a medical procedure, then it must be tolerated or suppressed, depending on the intensity of the pain stimulus.
In the 20th century, advances in immunohistochemistry, neuropharmacology, and neurophysiology led to discoveries in the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of pain. The results of studying the fundamental mechanisms of pain have found application in the clinic and a number of applied programs in various fields of medicine.

Anesthesia for permanent make-up and tattooing: levels of painful procedures

To begin with, we will present medical recommendations and explanations why anesthesia is really necessary for permanent makeup and tattooing.

First of all, it should be noted to those who want to become tattoo artists that these are the most difficult cosmetic procedures. Therefore, it is desirable that the PM masters have a medical education. Why is it so important? Because during permanent makeup, pigments are injected under the skin to a depth of about 0.8 millimeters. When it comes to tattoos, the penetration of the tattoo needle is even deeper - about 1.5 millimeters. Eyebrow microblading pigments are applied with thin blades that make incisions in the epidermis. Can you imagine what kind of injury it is for the delicate skin of the face? Naturally, only the most highly qualified pro can perform it safely, correctly and without side effects in the form of scars and scars. And it is natural that in the normal state, no matter how skillful the cosmetologist possesses, such manipulations will seem like torture even to the most persistent person. Therefore, good painkillers, selected specifically for each type of procedure, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin and the sensitivity of the client, are a must-have. Therefore, anesthesia for different types of procedures is a guarantee of high-quality and predictable pigment management.

In terms of pain, the most difficult for clients is tattooing and permanent lip makeup. But at the same time, long-term pigmentation of this particular part of the body enjoys stable popularity. It is on the lips that the greatest concentration of nerve endings on the face is located, so they are particularly sensitive. Maybe that's why we all love kisses so much? But if in personal life the sensitivity of the lips is good, then in carrying out permanent makeup of the lips it is very bad. Therefore, the master should pay special attention to the choice of anesthetics for this procedure.

Different types of eyelid and eye tattoos are less painful, but eye anesthesia should be especially loyal. But eyebrow tattooing (in fact, the most popular facial tattooing procedure) is the least painful. Doctors advise for this type of tattoo anesthetics with the lowest strength of anesthesia.

Types of anesthesia for permanent makeup

There are several classifications of types of anesthetics according to various criteria.

First of all, this is the time of applying an anesthetic cream to the client's skin. According to this principle, specialists in micropigmentation of anesthetics for permanent makeup are divided into two large types.

  1. Primary anesthesia for eye and lip tattooing. Painkillers for tattooing are made in the form of cream-gel, vaseline and cream preparations. An anesthetic is applied by the master before the procedure begins. The drug is applied for 10-15 minutes on the still undamaged skin. The main component is lidocaine, the content of which should not exceed 6%, otherwise the skin will become very “hard”, which will make the introduction of the pigment difficult. The most effective are products containing tetracaine, benzocaine and lidocaine.
  2. Secondary anesthesia for tattooing. The drugs are available in liquid form, applied to the scratched surface and give a quick analgesic effect. Due to the content of vasoconstrictor substances, the secretion of lymph is reduced. This effect increases the hiding power of the coloring pigment.

The second criterion for distinguishing types of anesthesia for permanent makeup is based on the form of these anesthetics. Among them, there are also two types.

  1. Anesthetics in the form of injections - that is, these are also injections that the master makes before the start of the procedure in the right place, which will lend itself to permanent makeup. Injection anesthesia is used when injecting pigment for tattooing into the lips and eye area. To inject eyelid pigments, an anesthetic injection is injected between the fixed and mobile eyelids.
  2. Anesthetics in the form of an application. These are creams that are manually applied pointwise to the tattoo zones in advance. This anesthetic is recommended for all types of permanent makeup due to its complete safety.

Injectable anesthesia for permanent makeup: pros and cons

Injectable anesthetics have many advantages. Firstly, they act quickly and very effectively - the client practically does not feel anything within 5 minutes after the injection. Secondly, injections belong to the primary type of anesthesia for tattooing, which does not require secondary anesthesia. That is, you simply administer anesthesia to the client in the form of an injection, he instantly stops feeling pain and does not feel it even after the procedure, so it does not need to be fixed with additional anesthetic creams. Nevertheless, a person does not have to walk with a “frozen” face for a long time - this is also quite unpleasant. The injection ceases to act after about 2 hours, which is quite enough for the procedure and the first painful post-traumatic time.

But, unfortunately, injectable anesthesia for tattooing has its drawbacks. Firstly, the painkillers administered in this way are so powerful and effective because they penetrate the blood and bloodstream. And this is fraught with the occurrence of various allergies. So what can be done to a client / client for tattooing injections of anesthesia only if there is an exact certainty that they are not allergic to the components of the drug - better confirmed by a certificate from a doctor.

Secondly, injection anesthesia completely deprives clients of sensitivity in the upper layers of the epidermis, so the master cannot clearly control the penetration depth of the permanent makeup needle with their help. And this is fraught with not the most predictable final shade of the pigment.

Thirdly, with injection anesthesia there is a risk of temporary deformation of the client's muscles. And this, in turn, is fraught with asymmetrical permanent makeup as a result.

Application anesthesia for permanent makeup: pros and cons

Application anesthesia is suitable for all types of tattooing. There are no such risks as with injection anesthesia for application anesthesia. It does not penetrate into the blood, does not completely freeze the upper layers of the epidermis and cannot provoke a violation of the shape of the muscles, and also does not interfere with controlling the depth of penetration of the needle.

But, firstly, it does not give a full analgesic effect - and the client may experience discomfort. Secondly, the applications begin to act after a rather long time after application. This is about 15 minutes, or even 30-40 minutes.

In the cosmetology field, various anesthetics are used for primary and secondary anesthesia when performing tattooing. Primary anesthesia products include Sustain Gel, J-PRO, TKTX 40%, PMU Anesthetic Cream, Prepcain, Deep Numb and other pain relief creams.

Indications and contraindications for anesthesia

In the practice of a permanent makeup master, most of the manipulations performed require preliminary anesthesia. The main recommendation for the use of anesthetics is the elimination of pain during the application of the permanent. New technologies and new tools allow for more effective pain management, resulting in a more comfortable experience for clients. A contraindication to the use of painkillers is the presence of acute skin diseases, open injuries and inflammations, pregnancy and lactation, elevated body temperature.

Recommendations for the use of anesthesia

Anesthesia can only be performed on clients who do not have appropriate contraindications. The question of the presence or absence of contraindications is decided by the doctor. The client can take responsibility and make an appropriate entry in the client card about the absence of contraindications for the use of a particular drug. If necessary, you can do an allergy test for the pigment. The director of the enterprise is responsible for organizing the safe provision of services provided on the territory of the permanent makeup office / salon / studio. the provider of the service (procedure) is personally responsible for the quality of the provision of a particular service.

The enterprise (office) must be equipped with an anti-shock first aid kit. Appropriately qualified personnel must be prepared for emergency first aid before the arrival of the ambulance.

Application anesthesia can be performed by the client herself with pharmaceutical preparations that are commercially available. This will not be considered a service of the enterprise or the master. When documenting the permanent make-up procedure, it is necessary to record that the client refused the preliminary anesthesia. Naturally, the client signs at the same time in the card. If the client during the procedure wants to make an application for herself, for example, with lidocaine-containing drugs, then the corresponding entry is also made in the client card.

Theoretically, allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock with possible respiratory arrest can occur on any drugs, even if they enter the body in microdoses. As such, any anesthesia performed as a service must be administered by either a physician or nurse with a written order from the physician and subject to the possibility of emergency medical intervention. In this regard, in a more advantageous position are the masters of permanent make-up, working at the enterprise, where there are doctors on their shift.

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