Secondary anesthetic: application in permanent makeup

Medical aspect in permanent makeup


Secondary anesthesia is needed for use during the procedure and is already applied to damaged skin. Anesthetics for secondary anesthesia constrict blood vessels and reduce the amount of lymph secreted, which contributes to an even distribution of the pigment.

Secondary anesthesia is needed for use during the procedure and is already applied to damaged skin. Anesthetics for secondary anesthesia constrict blood vessels and reduce the amount of lymph secreted, which contributes to an even distribution of the pigment.

It is no secret that many masters try to work as non-traumatically as possible and for some reason refuse primary anesthesia. The master knows better in what situation and when to use additional funds.

And at the same time, working with people requires flexibility. Not every client has a sufficient pain threshold to endure the procedure to the end and come to the correction just as steadfastly. And if we take into account not only the eyebrows, but also such sensitive areas as lips or areolas, then anesthesia during the procedure is indispensable.

Today, permanent makeup masters can choose from a variety of options for anesthesia with various formulations, and the use of drugs will greatly facilitate their lives and the lives of their clients.

Secondary anesthesia for permanent makeup is aimed at reducing the release of lymph, since the preparations contain vasoconstrictor substances in their composition. This effect increases the "hiding power" of the coloring pigment.

The drugs are available in liquid or gel form, applied to the scratched surface of the skin and give a quick analgesic effect. They reduce swelling and quickly remove discomfort.

TOP of the best anesthesia products

To date, experts have already formed the TOP of the best means for anesthesia. Popular among professionals are drugs for secondary anesthesia:

  • anesthetic gel PMU and Ice Biue (US country of manufacture), containing lidocaine -4%, tetracaine - 2%, epinephrine - 0.02%;
  • Sustaine blue gel - anesthetic in the form of a gel, consisting of: lidocaine 4%, tetracaine 2%, epinephrine (adrenaline) 0.02%;
  • TKTX 40% - an anesthetic in the form of a gel containing lidocaine 6%, tetracaine 3%, epinephrine 0.2%;
  • Goochie - liquid anesthetic with benzocaine 18%, tetracaine 10%, hydrochloride 2%;
  • Google - liquid anesthetic, composed of benzocaine 8%, tetracaine hydrochloride 2%;
  • Nano Meter 1 minutes - liquid anesthetic with lidocaine 4%, epinephrine 2%.

The presence of two active substances in the preparation increases the chance that the anesthetic will work in any case. Even when one of the substances "does not work" in some individual case (this sometimes happens), the second active substance will relieve pain.

The form of the anesthetic affects the areas of its action. For example, with liquid products, one should refrain from using it on the eyelids, as it spreads and there may be consequences. Gel anesthetic holds the “shape” more.

Also, novocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine, epinephrine can be used as a secondary anesthesia. The proportions of the mixture are calculated by the master individually in each case.

But before applying any anesthetic, it is required to make a trial application on the client's skin. This will check if there is a reaction of the body to the product. Anesthesia for tattooing should not cause burning and itching.

The drug market is rich in high-quality anesthetics that have a quick effect and help reduce the discomfort of the procedure. The low price of funds does not mean their poor quality. It is important to study the composition of each drug, paying attention to the percentage of lidocaine. It is worth buying primary and secondary anesthesia only in trusted stores or pharmacies. Don't risk your customers' health!

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