The quality of permanent makeup and the level of pain: is there a relationship?


One of the most common problems in the permanent makeup procedure is pain. The intensity of pain depends on the sensitivity and individual indicators of the skin. Is it possible to avoid pain in the permanent makeup office?

Areas of the face on which permanent makeup is performed have a large number of nerve endings and an active surface blood supply. Therefore, in contrast to a tattoo on the body, the issue of minimizing pain during facial procedures is much more relevant. The vast majority of women, even during the procedure on the lips - the most sensitive place - refuse injection anesthesia due to the lack of need. However, if the client insists, in exceptional cases even general anesthesia is possible. Does the level of pain during the procedure affect the quality of permanent makeup and how?

Psychological aspect

Psychological discomfort caused by pain for some clients may be an obstacle to the permanent makeup procedure as such. Other clients who have overcome the pain in the first procedure develop a strong dislike for permanent makeup and may not go to a specialist for the second time. The quality of permanent makeup will not be achieved in this case. In addition, these clients will advise their friends not to do permanent makeup. On the other hand, if the client is forced to endure pain while performing permanent makeup, this can greatly interfere with the procedure, and the specialist will be limited in his abilities. For example, during the procedure on the lips, in this case it is difficult to fill the lip border with pigment in the required volume and it becomes impossible to achieve the required quality of permanent makeup.

does lip tattooing hurt

A well-known asymmetry of a person can also manifest itself in pain sensitivity. For example, a client withstood the procedure on one eyelid without sufficient anesthesia and does not allow the specialist to continue the procedure on the other because of the unexpectedly low threshold of pain sensitivity in this area of the skin. A similar situation with the impossibility of continuing the procedure may arise simply due to the psychological fatigue of the client, if there is no anesthesia adequate to her perception of pain. Experienced specialists know that for some clients the issue of possible pain of permanent makeup procedures is so high priority that until it is removed from their minds, it is simply useless to talk to them about other aspects of permanent makeup that are usually touched upon during the preliminary consultation.

Psychophysiological aspect

Another factor affecting the quality of the permanent makeup procedure is the dependence of physiological processes in the skin on the level of pain. It is noticed that the perception of the pigment by the skin in areas of increased soreness is much more difficult. The specialist must, firstly, correctly recognize such a case, and, secondly, know how to proceed in this case from the point of view of tactics and technique of the procedures.

What determines the pain syndrome in permanent makeup and how can it be reduced? The same mechanical effect on the skin structures is perceived differently by different clients. It also depends on the individual sensitivity threshold of pain receptors and on the individual attitude to pain in general or to its nature in this case. Over the years of practice, micropigmentation specialists have to deal with a wide variety of cases of individual perception of pain in permanent makeup. Depending on the threshold of pain sensitivity, culture of self-control, psychological attitude, the reaction to pain can manifest itself in variants.

Option one . Even the slightest damage to the epidermis causes a sharp negative reaction. The procedure cannot be started without prior anesthesia. This is more common during procedures on the eyelids and lips.

Option two. For the client, primary damage to the epidermis without anesthesia is acceptable. But anesthesia is required to continue the procedure.

Option three . The client suggests not to apply anesthesia before the procedure and refuses it during the procedure, stating: "I'd rather be patient, but I can do without drugs."

Option four. Relatively high pain threshold. Pain syndrome does not appear.

Option five . The procedure of permanent make-up causes specific sensations, which can even be called pleasant. This is most often observed during the procedure on the lips.


To ensure the possibility of carrying out the procedure and to achieve the maximum quality of permanent makeup, the specialist must be able to apply certain anesthetic aids. The choice of the type of anesthesia depends primarily on the qualifications of the specialist. Due to the fact that it is not always possible to know in advance the client's reaction to pain, before starting the procedure, the specialist must determine for himself the tactics of choosing the type of anesthesia at the beginning and during the procedure. This issue must be agreed with the client. A professionally equipped workplace of a permanent makeup specialist should be equipped with various anesthetic agents. Preparations for injection and application anesthesia must be of several types, taking into account possible allergic reactions and individual susceptibility. If the qualifications of specialists allow injecting anesthesia, then the enterprise must have an anti-shock first aid kit. Means for application anesthesia can be in the form of a solution, as well as in gel, ointment or cream forms.

Psychological preparation

A permanent makeup specialist can influence the client's perception of pain using the knowledge and skills of psychological influence. Psychological preparation before and psychological support during the procedure are essential components of the process of achieving the desired quality of permanent makeup. In particular, one of the effective methods that form the necessary psychological attitudes in the client, which is recommended for mastering by permanent makeup specialists, is neurolinguistic programming.

Hardware Specifications

The dependence of pain sensations on some technical characteristics of the equipment is quite obvious. This is due to a direct relationship between skin trauma and the degree of impact on pain receptors. The technical characteristics of permanent makeup devices that do not meet modern European standards predetermine excessive pain. Modern professional permanent makeup devices provide high-precision low-traumatic needle movement, have the ability to adjust the frequency of reciprocating needle movements and are equipped with specially sharpened needles. All this taken together allows minimizing skin trauma.

Professional training of a specialist

Equipping the workplace with professional equipment gives the desired result only if the device is in the hands of a specialist who has been trained in a vocational school. More than once I have seen in practice the sad consequences of the incorrect use of the most modern equipment. Ignorance of some of the basic principles of the impact on the skin and the inability to select the mode of operation of the apparatus for the properties of the skin leads to unjustified trauma to the skin. This is accompanied by a noticeable pain syndrome and can lead to hypotrophic scars. Modern devices develop a significant force at the tip of the needle and special knowledge and skills are required to work on them using the skin micropigmentation method. World experience has shown that permanent makeup is one of the most difficult procedures in aesthetic cosmetology in terms of the difficulty of achieving a high-quality result. But with the right organization of the business, it can bring great satisfaction to specialists, as well as joy and peace of mind to our clients and clients.

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