The wonderful songwriter and singer Svetlana Tarabarova not only boldly experimented with her image, but also shared her most intimate things - she spoke about both her creativity and her personal life.
The article was first published in the magazine “Makeup&YOU Professional”.
What does your average day look like? If the moment comes when I don't have to run to the shoot, and my day is left to me, I wake up, have breakfast, call my sisters and go to my small studio. There I create, I write, when there is music, when there are words, I work, even if it is not needed now - for the future. If it’s possible to go to the arrangers’ studio, I go there and record demos.
What inspires you in your creativity? People inspire me! I really like to retire to some cafe by myself with a notepad, sit and look out the window at people. Sometimes I realize that I’m sitting and staring at someone, without taking my eyes off! I like to watch young people, teenagers holding hands and kissing. Inspires life! Our creativity is in people!
How do you feel in this bright look that our stylists have prepared for you? Wonderful! I love experimenting, I’m happy that there is such an opportunity. I won’t paint my eyes green and my lips black for a concert, because it will contradict my thoughts on stage. But if there is an opportunity to play a different role - a daring catwoman - why not try? Life needs to be painted - take paints and paint. I love bright colors. But in my work I give primacy to music, words, and vocals. There will be a discrepancy if I go on stage with huge hair and bright makeup and say: “People, be yourself, don’t pay attention to the little things in life, live, enjoy simple things, the truth is in the simple.”
Before going on stage, do you create your own make-up or collaborate with makeup artists? Most often I do my makeup myself, even when I have time, I prefer to lie down and relax. My main make-up is my youth! And while I can use it, I prefer to only color my eyelashes and lips.
What about in everyday life? In everyday life I don't like to wear makeup! I don’t know how I would behave if I didn’t have photo shoots and videos. Maybe then I would have painted brightly in ordinary life, but now I simply don’t need it.
How do you take care of your skin? When I make masks, I buy the ingredients myself at the pharmacy and mix them. My godmother is a dermatologist, I’m lucky, she helps me with advice. The best skin care products are rest and sleep! And, of course, peace of mind. By the way, I do yoga every other day. Previously, I woke up in the morning like a beaten dog, and then I read somewhere that yoga helps you wake up, I opened a video lesson for beginners and started practicing. Then I started attending group classes, after a while I got involved and now it’s already part of my daily schedule. And I advise everyone to join! Don't be afraid of the word "yoga"! It is very simple, you don’t need to throw your legs over your neck. Yoga stabilizes the emotional state and calms. Then - a contrast shower. At first I even got sick from it, but then I hardened myself and even in winter I can douse myself with cold water! I didn’t swim in the ice hole for Epiphany this year, but I would probably take the risk next year!
You spend a lot of time sleeping and relaxing, right? There is an opinion that the mind rests only from 22:00 to 00:00, and the body - from 00:00 to the morning. But we never go to bed at ten in the evening, which means we never rest! As we age, our skin deteriorates. No matter what, you need to sometimes go to bed before midnight. I don’t always succeed, but when I do, I feel like a happy person.
What other sports activities do you devote time to? How do you manage to keep yourself in such great shape? I go to the gym. My body is the result of training. I go to the pool several times a week. I dance – dancing also helps a lot. But the first thing is nutrition! Eat vegetables, fruits, meat. In fact, there is an abundance of food from which we may not gain weight. Again, it is important to set the right priorities. If you want to be beautiful, forget about buns! If you don’t want to be beautiful, eat buns and feel sorry for yourself. All in your hands! Get up, don't be lazy, do it! A girl is beautiful when she is happy. When she is well-groomed. Today you don’t need billions of dollars to take care of yourself, the simplest means are enough.
How do you develop spiritually? Read books. I communicate more with my family – I have a very large one. I meet interesting people. I do a lot of homework. I have this trick: when I get nervous, I start cleaning. While cleaning, I calm down, everything falls into place, a new plan is born in my head... The best remedy in the fight against depression is work! Any – physical, mental. Music takes up a lot of my time, I can’t live without it. When I listen to a new album by a musician that I like, I feel happy and feel better.
Does March 8th mean something to you? Yes, I think this is a holiday for mothers. Until I'm a mother, it seems to me that this is not my day. I congratulate my mother every year, I draw cards for her with my own hands, even now, having grown up. Drawing them, I feel like a child, and my mother remembers my childhood.
What would you wish for our readers? Peace inside. This is very important today. Understand who we are and why we are here. And real female happiness! Remember: no one makes us happy, we make ourselves happy.
What is harmony to you? Family comfort, warmth. I dream of getting married, I want to fall in love, I want a family. I'm ready! Unfortunately, there is no one in mind yet, but I’m working on it.
How can a man win your heart? Probably to be a good person. Wise, noble, real. Not petty, not greedy - I hate greedy men! If a person is not able to give and live for someone, he lives for himself. I don't like selfish people. A man should be able to lend his shoulder and support. In communication, a few minutes are enough for me, and I understand whether this is my person or not.
What do you plan to please your fans in the near future? Now I'm working on my second album. I also recently released a new song “I want to live without war.” We're filming a video for it. Because of events in the country, we have all changed. My music has also changed. It’s impossible to stay away, because you constantly experience all this - I’m talking about the war. I want to remain useful, so now I write music that gives strength to people, helps them not to give up, to believe and hope for the best. The second album will be stronger, it has a different message. I want to write music that will live for decades and help people. These are the only feelings that make me get up in the morning and, instead of lying in bed and doing nothing, move, fight, knock on some doors, open them... Of course, it’s hard now, because I work on my own myself and support my team, but there is no profit. I donate all the money I earn to the ATO, everything goes to charity. But there is another side to the coin - human resources. I never thought that people could be so kind and open! I looked differently at my country, at those people who live next to me. Therefore, I in no way regret that now we have had to completely tighten our belts, that there is no opportunity to work with a live cast. But there is an opportunity, sometimes even just with a guitar, to share good thoughts with people. I believe that we will survive, that everything will be fine. We started getting a lot more than money. Other priorities have emerged. Now I’m not going to shoot fashion stories in short skirts and dresses, but I’m going to do creative work that is useful to people.
How exactly did everything change inside you because of what was happening? I have matured and now I value the word “life” much more, because it can be lost very quickly. I’m not wasting my time, I’ve completely reconsidered my priorities. For example, I used to be very upset when I wasn’t able to travel much during the year. And now I wake up every morning and am glad that I have the opportunity to see my parents, people close to me, that everyone is alive and well.
Photo: idea, style: Vika Pisarenko; makeup: Larisa Larina; hairstyle: Natalya Kravchenko; additional hair: Prof-line; accessories: BoBiju; photo: Vadim Sery