One of the most famous British hairdressers, Patrick Cameron, visited Kyiv with the grandiose Wella Fashion Show, and also presented his master class. After the workshop, this charismatic stylist took some time to answer our questions.
The article was first published in Makeup&YOU Professional magazine.
You are called the “wizard of long hair.” What is the longest length you have ever worked with? At one of my performances, an Indian woman came up to me and said, “Would you like to see my hair?” They were twisted into a knot. The girl untangled him for the first time - his hair fell to his chest. The second time - to the waist. Then to the knees, to the calves, to the floor... The hair was so long that it lay on the floor! It was not only the longest hair I've ever worked with, but also the longest I've ever seen.
For many hairdressers, hair extensions are a taboo. How do you feel about the extension procedure? I have not done this procedure myself, but I like quality work done. After all, every girl dreams of long curls!
Long hair is also a big responsibility, because it requires special care. Could you highlight a few basic rules: how to care for your hair so that it makes you happy with health and beauty? The most important thing is the condition of the hair. You need to make sure they are healthy and use proper care. Choosing a hair care product is an important issue. The second is color. Correctly colored hair looks healthier and shines. Third, a haircut that suits the hair. When I hear that it is difficult to care for long hair, I am very surprised. This is complete nonsense. Why? What, you woke up and suddenly your hair grew long? No, you had them all along. Therefore, girls with long hair are already accustomed to taking care of it and know how to do it correctly and quickly. It can be difficult for those who have hair extensions, because just yesterday they were short, but today the length has changed dramatically.
How do you feel about long hair on men? Men are usually very lazy when it comes to taking care of their hair. Not everyone understands that if you have long hair, you need to take care of it. Here the hairdresser’s main task is to explain everything in detail and describe all the actions. It is women who will try different options and different means, look for information, study and compare. And men live by habit. When you give them clear and competent recommendations, they will be happy to repeat them.
What's the most challenging hairstyle you've created? Under what conditions did this happen and how long did it take? Long hair is a limitless space for imagination. Nothing is hard for me. But once there was a case when I was hosting a program on television, and on the air with my eyes closed, I gathered my hair into an updo in three minutes.
What achievements are you most proud of? There are a lot of such moments. These are my collections and performances in front of thousands of people. And the emotions that I received while creating all my works.
Creative people are diversified. For example, you studied to be an artist. Do you have any other hobbies that no one knows about? I've been playing the piano for forty-eight years now! I feel the music and it inspires me.
What else inspires you? For me, creativity has no boundaries. I look at my colleagues' collections in magazines, I look at people on the street, I watch films - and it gives me a boost of creative energy. Yesterday at the Wella Fashion Show I watched the audience in the hall, their movements and gestures. And this inspired me! I would like to especially note the work of Ukrainian designers. You have a lot of talented people in all fields in your country!
It's nice that you rate the level of our craftsmen so highly. What would you wish for them and all the readers of our magazine? Yes, I saw what skills Ukrainian stylists have - they are very high. Your hairdressing industry is developed, there are a lot of very creative, non-standard ideas. I would like to wish all Ukrainians a happy life and great success. Now Ukraine is in a difficult situation. I wish all the residents of your beautiful country stability, happiness and a strong economy! Patrick about Ukrainian women: “I immediately noticed that Ukrainian women really like to dye their hair. This is great, but it’s important not to forget about proper care!”
Three facts about the wizard of long hair: 1. Since childhood, Patrick's passion has been music and painting. He got into hairdressing by accident. One day after work - Patrick was a graphic artist at the time - he walked past a hairdressing salon in New Plymouth, walked in and just out of curiosity asked if they had training courses. Having attended them, I realized that I had found my calling. 2. Patrick never liked cutting, dyeing, or drying his hair. But working with long hair turned out to be his favorite pastime - he created incredible hairstyles, and each one was a real work of art! It is not surprising that very soon the fame of the real wizard spread throughout the entire district, and both brides and girls who just wanted to surprise everyone at the party in a bright way lined up to see him. 3. Study, study and study again - Cameron’s motto. It is thanks to this principle that the master achieved such success. That's why Patrick constantly publishes tutorials in which he shares his knowledge. By the way, it is for this reason that the master has not yet opened his own salon, but immediately, as soon as he could afford it, he opened a school.