Ruslan Zakharchenko: “Work without boundaries in your creativity”

Interview with the master


Ruslan Zakharchenko is an international class master, fashion stylist and unreal creative. He has been working in the beauty industry for more than 25 years, 20 of which he devoted to the Ukrainian fashion industry.

Among Ruslan’s numerous works are images for shows of fashion houses and stars of Ukrainian show business, but he is definitely not going to stop there.

We were lucky to visit the master's style studio and ask him about working in the fashion industry, the specifics of creating hairstyles for shows, and the process of collaborating with designers. Ruslan also gave advice on how to communicate with clients and how modern masters should develop in order to become successful in their profession.

Ruslan, how did you come into the fashion industry? What attracted you to this direction?

At the beginning of my career, when I was 25 years old, my colleagues encouraged me to go to the Hairdressing Championship in Riga. Unexpectedly for myself, I brought home three cups - this allowed me to move up a step in my profession. I never even dreamed that my career would turn out this way.

After attending several championships, I thought that traveling further and practicing techniques was no longer my thing, I had grown out of it. At that time, I knew many fashion designers and understood that I was drawn to something creative, interesting and not entirely wearable.

When I went to the first show of Alexey Zalevsky, I said to myself: “I have to work with this man.” He always had some crazy things in his collections, for example, puffy jackets made from diapers, and his shows always caused shock. Now, looking back at the photos from his shows that I worked on, the images seem funny, I want to redo some details, because fashion in the late 90s - early 2000s was completely different. But it can no longer be remade - this is part of history...

Now, if you asked me if I would like to change something in the past, choose a different profession, I would never change it. Everything was so interesting! (Smiles.)

Do you remember the first show where you worked as a fashion stylist?

Yes, I remember. It was a show by Lesha Zalevsky. We created hairstyles that resembled shell-shaped mohawks, and decorated the models' faces with rectangles of multi-colored negatives. We really wanted to express ourselves, so the images were truly creative.

Over the years of working together, Lesha and I understood each other perfectly. They always looked in the same direction and brought to life the most non-standard and even strange ideas. I also successfully collaborated with Ilona Kuts and Victoria Gres. I was even lucky enough to work with Roberto Cavalli when he opened a boutique in Kyiv.

Would you like to work with any other famous designers?

I would love to collaborate with the Moschino brand - they always have incredible collections and shows. I really like their designer, and I'm sure he and I would be on the same page.

What is the process of collaborating with designers?

Designers, stylists and makeup artists discuss the look in advance. The designer offers his own vision of the hairstyle and other attributes; he has his own sketches. But he doesn’t always know how an idea can be translated into hair - that’s where I come to the rescue. We discuss the image until we come to a mutual agreement, because it is important that the look is complete and harmonious. When people are on the same wavelength, one idea is reinforced by another and the result is a wow effect.

When creating an image, you can use anything: plastic, cardboard, glass, cocktail straws, disposable plates and, as I already said, even diapers!

How do masters manage to do hairstyles for 30-40 models at once?

Of course, the leading stylist needs assistants, because it is unrealistic to do so many hairstyles in one evening alone. But this is a wonderful experience and an opportunity to practice technique, because one master does 8-10 hairstyles per evening.

How long does it usually take to prepare designs for creative images?

Differently. For example, for one of Lesha Zalevsky’s shows I made a wig for more than a month. Three models in beautiful evening dresses were united by one wig for three - it looked very enchanting!

Which models do you like to work with?

My muse is Sveta Volnova. She always trusts me, and it is very interesting to work with her. What we didn’t do with her hair! When I review old photos and videos, I wonder how we could even come up with this. (Smiles.)

How do you work with new clients?

Previously, at the beginning of your career, it was scary to work with new clients: you were worried that the person might not like it, that you would do something wrong. But you pull yourself together, use all your knowledge and skills - and show a decent result. The main thing is not to stop and develop all the time.

You need to start working with a new client by identifying his wishes and needs. Each person has their own hairstyle habits, so you can’t cut from the shoulder. It is important to take an individual approach and listen, and also to win over the client so that he comes back to you. For the 3-4th time, when you and the person have already found a common language, you can suggest that they change something in their hairstyle and give your advice.

Read the continuation of the interview in PRO Hair&Makeup magazine No. 1 .

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