Light natural makeup: step-by-step technology with photos
How to repeat?

In 2019, natural makeup leads the ranking of the most popular makeup options, because millions of girls prefer it every day. We show and tell you how to repeat it in our step-by-step technology.
Natural makeup is the most natural makeup, which only carefully emphasizes the beauty of a girl and hides minor imperfections, but does not radically change her appearance. It is easiest to do so-called no-makeup makeup for girls with normal skin without rashes or redness. In this case, it is enough to make a slight correction and give the skin a gentle glow, slightly highlight the eyes and lips. If a woman has problem skin, she will have to work a little longer to thoroughly hide acne marks, blackheads and redness. Since the appearance of the skin plays a major role in natural makeup, it should look great. It is also important that the foundation and correction products ideally match the client’s shade - this will avoid the effect of a mask. Natural makeup is perfect for any occasion and event; it can be considered basic and irreplaceable. This could be makeup for every day, makeup for a business meeting, date, party, wedding or graduation. At the same time, it can easily be transformed to suit the client’s appearance - correct the shape of the face, give the skin radiance, highlight the eyes and make them brighter, focus on the lips or cheekbones. Below we describe how to do natural makeup step by step. To complete it you will need: makeup base, correctors, eye shadow base, eyebrow pencil, peach and brown shadows, eye pencil, liner, mascara, blush and a natural shade of lipstick. 
Step 1. Apply makeup base. We perform facial correction, choosing at least 4 shades for each zone. 
Step 2. Carefully shade the prepared points for correction. 
Step 3. Apply the base for the shadows. Cover the entire eyelid with shadows of a natural shade. We draw up the eyebrow line using a pencil and shadows. 
Step 4. Using a soft pencil, create a shape on the outer corner of the eye. Duplicate with brown shadows. 
Step 5. Use peach shadows to highlight the eyes. Along the eyelash growth line, fill the interlash line with a liquid liner. Blend towards the outer edge. 
Step 6. Paint over the eyelashes using mascara. Add blush to the cheekbones. Fill the lip shape with lipstick a tone darker than the natural lip color. Now you know how to do natural makeup for brunettes. Summer is the perfect time to bring it to life! Makeup, hairstyle: Natalia Salnikova Model: Maria Ryabenko Photo: Vadim Sery The technology was first published in Makeup&YOU Professional magazine.

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