Eyebrow dyeing: step-by-step technology with photos
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In our new material we tell and show how to properly tint your eyebrows.
Every eyebrow artist should know perfectly how to paint eyebrows in order to get a natural shade, soft effect and beautiful transitions. If you already know how to choose the shape of the eyebrows based on the client’s face type and how to correct them correctly, it’s time to master the coloring technique.
Together with expert Ksenia Okis, we’ll figure out how to properly tint your eyebrows step by step, what products you can’t do without, in what sequence you need to remove the paint, and what product should be used to secure the result if the skin in the eyebrow area shows signs of dryness.
Step 1. Remove makeup and cleanse the skin in the eyebrow area with micellar water.
Step 2. Prepare the skin for coloring using OKIS BROW shampoo, which cleanses, moisturizes, soothes and degreases. We wash it off with water.
Step 3. We make markings using the OKIS BROW ruler with ready-made lines for marking.
Step 4. We create the shape using OKIS BROW powder pencil and approve it with the client.
Step 5. Dilute Gentle Brown and Cold Blond paints, add oxidizing agent 1:1. Apply the composition to the entire eyebrow. After 5 minutes, remove the paint from the beginning of the eyebrow with a dry cotton swab. After 10 minutes, remove the paint from the body of the eyebrows, but at the same time leave a thin line along the lower edge. After 15 minutes, remove the paint from the tail of the eyebrow and skin.
Step 6. Apply Color Fix and after 2 minutes remove it with water. Apply Oil OKIS BROW eyebrow oil.
Eyebrow tinting : Ksenia Okis
Makeup, hair: Ksenia Okis
Photo: Vadim Sery
Model: Maria Kraskovskaya
Cosmetics brand: OKIS
The technology was first published in the MAKEUP&YOU Professional magazine.
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