Katerina Lysenko: “Television is a movement”

Interview with TV presenter


The host of the “Details” program on the Inter channel spoke about television behind the scenes, her travels, relationship with decorative cosmetics and love for sports.

The article was first published in Makeup&YOU Professional magazine.

How does a TV presenter's day begin? Tell us a little about your work schedule. Every Monday starts differently. If I combine the parliamentary week with work on the air, then I spend half a day in the Verkhovna Rada, and in the afternoon I write a story for my own episode and prepare for the air. I call such days “double deadline” - you need to get everything done. If I only have a broadcast week, my morning begins with English classes and the gym. And I can afford to spend several hours training. True, you need to constantly monitor the news feed to understand the picture of the day. At lunchtime I go to the studio and get ready for the broadcast. What is television for you personally? What do you love most about your job? What tires you the most? I am very glad that I have never worked a day in my life without love for my profession and do not sit around waiting for the working day to end. Office routine is not for me. I don't tolerate monotony well, I need movement. Television is movement. This is variety, extreme and adrenaline. And live - drive in every episode. Very often news appears when I’m in the studio. Often the layout changes on the air, so you need to be on your guard for the entire forty-five minutes of the episode. Do you work with the same makeup artists on camera? Or with different ones? How often do conflicts happen - when the master creates an image that is completely different from what you wanted? How do you usually get out of such situations? I work with different make-up artists. But even before I became the host of “Details,” the stylists carefully worked out the image, and the main task was a minimum of cosmetics. That's why I don't appear on camera with bright and provocative makeup. All make-up artists work within given limits. In our studio there are masters with enormous experience, I never have any conflicts or misunderstandings. My wishes are always taken into account. Katerina Lysenko TV presenter Do you use cosmetics in everyday life? Yes, sure. But even in life I prefer discreet makeup - light shadows, mascara, blush, lip gloss. What minimum cosmetics are always in your cosmetic bag, what do you always take with you? My cosmetic bag is always with me. There is, as a rule, a minimal set: foundation, eye shadow, concealer and a couple of lip glosses. What brands of cosmetics do you prefer and why? I keep an eye on new products and often find something useful for myself in products from different brands. But there are also favorites. For example, I prefer shadows - Givenchy, concealer - Guerlain, foundation - Clinique. Do you often receive cosmetics as gifts? Who, if not a secret? To be honest, cosmetics are given as gifts extremely rarely. I mostly buy it myself. Tell a funny story about buying a cosmetic product. Very often my stories involve buying unnecessary things. For example, I see new eyeshadows on the counter and think: they are great and I just need them! But then it turns out that they don’t suit me at all. Here, of course, girlfriends come to the rescue; there is someone to give what didn’t fit. Foundations, powders, blushes are not a complete list of products that have migrated into friends’ cosmetic bags. What hobbies do you have? What other field would you like to try yourself in besides TV? My hobby is sport. Daily training brings me pleasure. As for projects, there are many ideas and plans that I would like to implement. And some are already at the start. But I don't like to share plans for the future. What self-care procedures do you find most enjoyable? All. Massage, swimming pool, sauna, peelings, wraps - this is relaxation for me. And all procedures bring pleasure and improve your mood. Katerina Lysenko Do you like to travel? What are your favorite countries and why? I love to travel, and whenever possible I try to expand my geography. Among the “most-most” favorite cities are Rome and Paris. But I want to say something about Amsterdam! The city simply captivated me. It is impossible, for example, to forget Keukenhof Park: tulips, sakura, hyacinths, lilies, orchids - you are literally drowning in flowers there. Where would you like to visit? And why? I dream of seeing Singapore, Japan and China. And then - the whole list of capitals and countries where I have not yet been. And it is extensive. Do you like shopping? What stores do you usually dress in? How much time do you spend on this? Do you prefer to shop here or abroad? All girls love shopping. And it would be untrue that I don’t devote time to this. It cannot be said that I spend exactly one day a week on shopping. When I’m in the mood, I can buy several things at once, or I can forget about shopping centers for a month. I buy things both in Kyiv and in other countries. What inspires you? Lots of things. This includes communication with interesting people, ballet, theater, and sports. But daily mood is largely determined by work. And although they say that inspiration is a fickle thing, it seems to me that there is one indispensable condition. Inspiration comes to those who are dedicated to work and success. Makeup, hair: Vika Pisarenko; assistant: Anna Tkachenko; clothing, accessories: Potlova C&D group; photo: Vadim Sery

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