Francesco de Nile: “I like haircuts as a manifestation of creativity”
Interview with a top stylist

We were able to communicate with the famous stylist Francesco de Nile thanks to his visit to Kyiv. We talked with the expressive and smiling Italian master about fashion, its trends and many other things...

The article was first published in Makeup&YOU Professional magazine.
You are one of the few European masters who came not only to the capital, but also made a mini-tour around Ukraine. What are your impressions of Ukrainian masters, were they received differently in different cities? Let's start with hospitality, it is unique - your hospitality! I also saw that my colleagues are professional and love their work. I want to emphasize hospitality and professionalism without comparing colleagues from different cities. Let's just say that in one Ukrainian city the craftsmen showed more interest in the creative part of the work, while in another there were more questions about technology. That is, some were more creative, while others were more accurate. What is more important for you in your work – creativity or technology? And this, and that, both, all three - in Italy there is such a joke. Italians are very expressive and emotional. Is this reflected in the images you create and in your working style? Yes very. The style I want to spread and my way of working is international. It's an Italian taste, but one that suits other nations very well. What would you call the distinctive features of your work, your signature feature? I really like cutting people's hair; cutting hair is a manifestation of creativity. This is where you can express yourself the most. When I see a woman or a man in any image, I always think - what kind of haircut would I give them? When you choose a person's haircut, what do you look at first - their overall style, makeup, perhaps facial features or hair color? First of all, the face is important. When choosing not only a haircut, but also a style, I first look at the face. Each face has its own characteristics, there are no ugly faces, there is something that can be emphasized in the beauty of each face. Well, of course, I look at what style a person has and think what can go with his personality. And then the work begins - creativity, creativity. Surely you take into account not only individual characteristics, but also fashion trends? How much does what is fashionable now influence your choice of haircut? Fashion trends are just an accent; the personality itself is more important than fashion. In Italy, for example, the eighties style is now very fashionable. Not everyone can accept this fashion, but you can create an accent in the spirit of the eighties for almost anyone. What do you think about men's fashion now? About hairstyles and style in general? Previously, men's fashion was dominated by the Armani style - a handsome, classic man, neat. And now we see a different style, the hipster style. Even Dolce & Gabbana can see this in their collections. The unisex style is passing. Now completely different lines can be seen in men's clothing. I don’t know if the fashion for knee socks, breeches, capri pants has already come to you... The rockabilly trend - tattoos, earrings, beards - is ending. Now it’s time for me to shave off my beard, because it’s no longer trendy (laughs).
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