Vitamins in acne therapy
Drugs of choice
Complete nutrition is determined not only by the energy value and balance of the diet, but also by the supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Let's understand vitamin therapy for the problem of acne.
Iryna Medvedeva, candidate of medical sciences, dermatovenerologist of the highest category, cosmetologist, honored doctor of Ukraine (Ukraine)
According to WHO standards, rational nutrition is the most important condition for preserving health, normal growth and development of the human body. Inadequate nutrient intake, including vitamin and mineral deficiencies, disrupts healthy development and affects productivity throughout life. The subject of this article is the feasibility of vitamin therapy for acne.
Today, WHO considers vitamin deficiency conditions, including as a problem of starvation. Calculations show that even a balanced and varied diet of a modern person is deficient in most vitamins by 20–30%.
Vitamins are a group of low-molecular organic compounds with a simple structure and diverse chemical nature, necessary for the development and functioning of the human body. These are irreplaceable factors of organic origin that regulate biochemical and physiological processes by activating enzymatic reactions and exhibit biological activity in small quantities. They have no calories, that is, they are not a source of energy. As of 2017, 13 substances (or groups of substances) are recognized as vitamins.
Based on solubility, vitamins are divided into two groups: fat-soluble - A, D, E, K; water-soluble - C, vitamins of groups B, P, nicotinic acid.
Full version of the access article in Ukrainian
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