Peculiarities of preparation and rehabilitation of patients for plastic surgery on the face

What should the patient and doctor consider?


The thought of plastic surgery no longer causes surprise, condemnation, or fear in anyone. This is due to the availability of information about plastic surgery, the introduction of new technologies and minimally invasive techniques, as well as, of course, improving the qualifications of Ukrainian plastic surgeons.

The success of any operation depends on the correct selection of the patient, proper preoperative preparation, highly professional surgical technique of the surgeon and competent rehabilitation in the postoperative period.

The quality of these stages in aesthetic surgery is especially relevant. In fact, operations are performed not for health reasons, but for the patient's desire to improve himself. In addition, in accordance with the law, a certificate of incapacity for work is not issued in the conditions of aesthetic operations. However, any surgical intervention is a trauma, and its healing always involves a rehabilitation period.

The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on many factors: the amount of surgical intervention, type of anesthesia, individual physiological characteristics of the patient, age, presence of chronic diseases, lifestyle characteristics and other factors.

For proper management of such patients, one should understand the basic physiological mechanisms accompanying the postoperative period. Let's take a closer look at these mechanisms.

Full version of the access article in Ukrainian

This article is part of the Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology special project

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