Photoprotective means: how to choose correctly among the variety of the modern market?

Important recommendations, according to which "sun" cosmetics will be as effective as possible


Although the days of crazy passion for maintaining a bronze skin color are long gone, it will not be out of place to remind your patients about sun protection cosmetics. So, what should you pay attention to when choosing cosmetics before the summer period?

The love of sunlight is partly explained by the positive effects of tanning: a good skin tone improves mood, and sunlight has an antidepressant effect due to the activation of certain hormones (melatonin, serotonin), normalizes the daily biorhythm of a person, initiates the synthesis of vitamin D, has a bactericidal effect and stimulates the protective functions of the body. improves physical condition.

In recent years, ideas have been formed about the negative impact of ultraviolet (UV) rays of sunlight on the skin and human body. This is damage to cellular structures by light quanta and mutagenic effect on the genetic apparatus, stimulation of oxidative processes, inflammation, immunosuppression, and, as a result, photodermatoses, photoaging of the skin and carcinogenesis.

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