Pigment spots: diagnostic problems

Not just spots, but a whole range of possible diagnoses


One of the reasons for the appearance of pigment spots is excessive exposure to sunlight on the skin. Removal of pigment spots requires a comprehensive approach. But the correct diagnosis of these formations is important.

Pigment spots are an aesthetic problem for most women, but for a dermatologist, they are not just spots, but a whole series of possible diagnoses, some of which are either a precancerous process or skin cancer. A cosmetologist must know the clinical features and be able to suspect a malignant process. In medicine, it is called oncovigilance.

Description: a spot of different shades of brown (from light to dark brown), with clear borders, rounded or oval in size, from a few millimeters to a centimeter or more in diameter.

Possible diagnoses:

  • solar lentigo;
  • seborrheic keratoma;
  • solar (actinic) keratoma;
  • superficial pigmented form of basal cell carcinoma;
  • Dubreuil's melanosis (malignant lentigo).

Methods of correction

All the listed formations appear mainly in the second half of life. Being very visible, they disturb aesthetically, and therefore, the probability of contacting a dermatocosmetologist with a request to remove them is very high. The first question immediately arises: how to delete? For solar lentigo, seborrheic keratosis and solar keratosis, there is what is called a problem of choice.

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This article is part of the special project Skin pigmentation and its correction

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