Live broadcast: "Bioreparation - patented youthful skin"


We invite you to take part in a live broadcast from a leading specialist in aesthetic medicine.

Date : March 25, 2021

Time : 15:00

Topic : Bioreparation - patented youthful skin

Link for registration:

Speaker : Natalya Mikhailova (Russia), Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, Associate Professor of the Department of Skin Diseases and Cosmetology of the Federal Postgraduate Educational Institution of the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N. I. Pirogova, President of the National Society of Mesotherapy (NOM) and the Eurasian Association of Injection Techniques Specialists (EOSIM), member of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS), member of the expert council of HUGEL PHARMA companies (Korea) , Laboratoires GERnétic Synthèse (France), SuissElle (Switzerland), Laboratory THOSCANE

In a programme:
  • Preparations based on hyaluronic acid in aesthetic medicine
  • Bioreparation is the only technology that launches its own processes of restoration and rejuvenation
  • History of bioreparation, clinical experience and global recognition
  • The production method underlying the HYALREPAIR technology. Key Features and Benefits
  • General properties of the new generation of bioremedies, range, common mechanism of action, general clinical effects
  • Unique characteristics and advantages of individual biological agents, intended purposes and clinical effects. Priority indications depending on formulations
Benefits for the patient:
  • Fast, pronounced and lasting skin rejuvenation
  • Social activity between treatments
  • Prolonged preservation of the effect and prevention of aging
  • Each biorepair solves several aesthetic problems in one procedure
  • High efficiency and, as a result, a short course of treatment (up to 3 procedures with an interval of 3 weeks)
  • Long-term retention of biologically active substances in tissues, which contributes to the launch of the skin’s own reserves of rejuvenation and restoration at the cellular level
  • Comfortable rehabilitation period

Link for registration:

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