Live broadcast: "Multihydroxy acid peeling and carboxytherapy - radiant skin in one procedure"


We invite you to take part in a live broadcast from a leading specialist in aesthetic medicine.

Date: March 15, 2021

Time: 15:00

Topic: Multihydroxy acid peeling and carboxytherapy - radiant skin in one procedure

Speaker: Natalya Mikhailova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, associate professor of the Department of Skin Diseases and Cosmetology of the Federal Postgraduate Educational Institution of the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N. I. Pirogova, President of the National Society of Mesotherapy (NOM) and the Eurasian Association of Injection Techniques Specialists (EOSIM), member of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS), member of the expert council of HUGEL PHARMA companies (Korea) , Laboratoires GERnétic Synthèse (France), SuissElle (Switzerland), Laboratory THOSCANE

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In a programme:

  • Analysis of the mechanism of action and capabilities of popular α-hydroxy acids. A detailed dive into the variety of effects. Do we know everything about the usual and familiar acids?
  • Determination of the synergism of the action of acids. The benefits of an effective combination of active ingredients to achieve instant skin radiance.
  • Can peels have an anti-inflammatory effect? The effectiveness of acids in the treatment of sensitive and damaged skin.
  • Microcirculatory system of the skin and the problem of age-related changes. How saturation affects cellular aging of the dermis and epidermis.
  • The effect of carboxytherapy. How and due to what is the Bohr effect realized? Improving microcirculation in terms of anti-age effect.

Benefits for the patient:

  • Smoothes wrinkles and unevenness, makes skin smooth and radiant
  • Promotes rapid and active cell regeneration
  • Activates regeneration, normalizes the production of collagen, elastin and its own hyaluronic acid
  • Lightens hyperpigmentation and evens out complexion
  • Normalizes the skin's ability to retain moisture
  • Reduces hyperkeratosis and comedones
  • Promotes detoxification and cleansing of the skin, eliminates toxins, cell waste products, and excess sebum
  • Saturates cells with oxygen and improves blood circulation

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